Jul 13, 2011 20:57

I GOTS MINE!! *waves confirmation of tickets purchase*

Younger Son and I will be attending the midnight showing tomorrow night. LOL Then we'll go again Friday night when Older Son can join us.

I was originally going to wait until all three of us could go together, but Younger Son was due a reward and I decided this would do nicely.

There's just something about a midnight showing of a movie you're already looking forward to. Part of it is probably getting to indulge my COMPLETE LACK OF PATIENCE. It's probably also needing to have the ability to say I SAW IT BEFORE YOU! I KNOW SOMETHING YOU DON'T KNOW! (Unless, of course, you're one of those lucky fucks who got to go to a premier in which case I will ignore you utterly.) It's also one of the few times I enjoy being part of a large crowd. That crowd mentality prevails. I've never failed to enjoy myself at a midnight showing.

Younger Son has already been instructed to TAKE A NAP tomorrow because even though he's been staying up until around midnight nearly all summer, it's entirely possible he could wipe out during the 2:05 run-time of the movie. He's been warned that nodding off will result in being shoved under his seat. He promises it won't be a problem but will attempt a nap anyway. (He's a good lad who listens to his mother. especially when she makes threats he honestly believes are real)

Yes, we're seeing the 3D version. It suddenly struck me as completely cool if the 3D glasses had ROUND LENSES. Dunno why. Just thought it'd be coooool. *is nerd*
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