(no subject)

Jan 03, 2010 16:54

Title: Love Is Not A Victory March
Author:  raingoddess2040 
Fandom(s): Twilight
Character(s): Emmett McCarty, Paul
Rating: R
Warning(s): slash, language
Spoiler(s): None
Disclaimer: I don't own them, at all!

For you_ravish_me for the Twilight Uncanon Drabble-a-thon 
The prompt was -> Paul/Emmett "Remember when I moved in you? The holy dark was moving too
And every breath we drew was hallelujah."


"Oh, God!"
"Sorry, my name's Emmett! Thanks - Fuck! - Thanks for the compliment, though!"
"Fuck you!"
"We can do that later! It's my turn now."

At first it was just an annoyance.

Everywhere the I went, he was there. If I left La Push at any time, the cold one was somewhere - above me, around me, behind me, beside me. I couldn't get away from him, even on the Rez. He crossed the line so damn much that I would have thought Sam would have noticed, but he didn't. No one did.

Then it became acceptable.

I couldn't take him following me anymore. Curiosity killed the cat, not the wolf, anyway. So, one I left the Rez and went into the forest on their side of the border and waited. He was somewhere near me in an instant. I couldn't see him, but I could smell him. That God-awful, sweet, leech smell of his entire coven was never around when it was just him. He smelled musky, fruity, but not like strawberries or some shit, but like oranges and limes. He smelled like a man... And, damn me for wanting to smell him up close.

Now it's an addiction.

We've been meeting up for months now. It's strange, but no one says a word, or, you know, thinks a word when I phase. It's not like I can hide anything from them. I asked Jake one day and he was all, 'Who am I to judge? It's not really an imprint, but it's not like you chose him. He chose you. So we deal with it.' That made me shocked and pissed. Shocked because for all of Sam's bloodsucker-hate-bullshit, I was expecting something worse and pissed because I was actually worried about their fucking opinion.

And maybe it's a little like love...

"Leech. Hey, Bloodsucker! Emmett?"
"See! I knew you could say my name."
"Shut the fuck up! What's your family think?"
"You know, the other blood suckers - the short one, Blond bitch, her weird brother. You know, your 'coven'."
"Oh, I wouldn't know. I don't live with them anymore. Rosalie's gone somewhere, most likely to the Volturi. The others couldn't accept it, so I left."
"Oh, why?"
"Well, shit..."
"Paul? You okay in there? You wanna join us here in the real world, wolf boy?"
"Shut up, Emmett!"
"And, he's back!"
"Shut up."
"Emmett? Emmett? Talk to me."
"I thought you wanted me to shut up."
"I love you."
"I love you."
"Oh? That's all I get? OH? You know what? Fuck you, Cullen - McCarty - whatever the fuck your name is! Fuck you!"
"Paul? calm down. I just wasn't expecting you to say it. Not yet, at least, maybe not ever. I love you, too, you know."
"Oh yeah."

fic, emmett/paul, slash, emmett cullen, twilight, paul, paul/emmett

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