Request a Tutorial.

Dec 16, 2006 11:25

Tutorial requests are temporarily CLOSED
Got backed-up a little bit with the requests here, so I'll be closing requests until I can catch up. Will let everyone know when they're re-opened, so be patient. ;)

It seems a few people are asking for tutorials, so I thought it'd be easier to just have a "Request" post to keep track of them. ^_^ When requesting, please include the URL to the icon (it must be made by me, of course, lol) in your comment. There are some icons I can't make tuts for, since I don't save the PSDs for all my icons, but I do save a majority of them so it shouldn't be a big problem. :3

Note: It might be a little while before I get your tut up. XD; Please be patient, I struggle to find free time with my schedule, and tutorials may take me a while. Also, watching the journal would probably be a smart move, so you'll know when your request is up, but I'll make sure to let you know regardless. ^_^

Tutorials in queue;

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tutorial request, misc

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