Jul 08, 2004 23:01
Alrighty you guys! I am feeling a little optomistic. Therefore, I am going to tell you guys that I love you again. Anyways! I think it really sucks that Cait's internet got shut off, and we are all going to miss her on here. Umm, also, I am starting to wonder about Austin, I really don't get a chance to talk to him, and when I do, I am generally whining about how much my life sucks. So, I find myself wondering an awful lot about how he is. His life is really rather hard on him, as life generally is on us all, and so, I get a little worried when I don't hear from him. Anyway... I really ought to get my cell turned back on so that I can make sure you all are alright. I really hate not being able to get in touch with y'all.
Meh. I am going to be mean about Steph for a sec, but I just want to say that she really bailed on me today. She can't go to Magic Mountain with me, and that really sucks. It makes all of our plans seem really insignificant. It makes me feel like the plans that we have made are stupid and less than important to her. It makes me wonder about her moving in. You know what else? I don't even know if I am going to stay. My mother is talking about making me move to California. And, you know, I think that may actually happen. If Stephi doesn't come through for me, and I hate to say it, but I don't think she will, I have to go. I have no other options. I mean, I get to either go, or I get to sit around at my father's house. And, while I really want to stay because I don't want to leave you guys, I don't want to stay with him. I have serious Men issues, and I don't think that staying with my dad is a good plan.
Umm, if any of you have a plan to help me out, or at least to help talk to me about it, I could really use the help. I know that if I stay, I wouldn't be happy, but I don't want to leave y'all. I finally found a place to be at least mildly happy. And, I only have that with you guys. You are my escape and you are the only people who have ever been this close to me.
Well, it's time to go to find something amusing to do while I wait for anyone to get online. Love!