Jun 09, 2006 23:33
I'm in the middle/end of week three of weight training now, and I think it's showing results, or maybe I'm just finding things I never noticed before... I have muscle tone? Apparently so, I don't remember my arms being this bumpy (in a subtley girly nice sort of way), or my legs so solidly muscular. I'm hungrier throughout the day although I'm not eating any less, and my job hasn't gotten any more strenuous, so the only explanation for craving more calories is that my body is naturally burning more calories and making higher demands.
That's cool by me. =)
And I'm even becoming fond of the slight soreness I get the day after a weightlifting day, shows that I'm actually working the muscles that I meant to work. I'm not so sore that I can't move, but it's more reassuring to BE somewhat sore as opposed to painfree. Painfree means I didn't work hard enough, made no headway.