Mar 29, 2014 16:17
I gave up fast food/restaurants for Lent.
Not that I follow Lent (I'm not Catholic), but I like to challenge myself. I'd follow Ramadan, too, if it wasn't for the fact that I work in a factory, and in the summer, it would be very dangerous.
Really, though, the whole point was to a) stop eating so late at night, and b) save money for England.
The result so far is that I eat other things when I get home instead, that I saved up monies, and that I am really really really really REALLY craving some McDonalds, right now.
I am currently over at my in-laws for some undisturbed writing (which turned into undisturbed reading and napping and plotting and research), and am fighting with myself to just go home in order to cook something and NOT stop over at McDonalds. I know that I could probably make something here, but I don't like rummaging through other people's kitchens, even if it is just my in-laws...
I haven't eaten since breakfast, so my stomach requires sustenance.
Guess I'll just pack up and go home (after I ask my father-in-law about my car...), since I wasn't being as productive as I would have liked...
car troubles galore,
writer's block,
grr and arg,