Dec 12, 2012 09:02
1. I've already had this conversation with a friend, so I'll try and shorten the version. I have never wanted an e-reader. The same way I have never wanted to buy mp3s versus actual CDs. But there was this one book that I wanted to read, for research before NaNoWriMo. Unfortunately, it was only available for Kindle/Nook, and there was no way I was buying one just to do research. I briefly thought about borrowing one of my friend's e-readers, but then thought against it and got through NaNo just fine.
Yesterday, one of my co-workers was talking to me about books, and mentioned "Kindle for Android". Suddenly, a lightbulb lit up in my mind, because I've had my phone for TWO FREAKING YEARS and KNEW I had Kindle on it, but it never occured to me that I would ever actually use it.
Needless to say, I HAVE BOUGHT MY FIRST E-READER BOOK, GUYS. A month too late, but whatever. At least it'll give me editing ideas...
2. I KILLED A DRUMMER IN ASSASSIN'S CREED 3. I am still pretty sad about that, even if it happened 2 days ago. I really wanted to let him live, but the mission would not let me take what was in the convoy without the drummer's death. I understand the whole "no witnesses" thing as I killed all the other redcoats, BUT STILL. That poor, helpless drummer.
Off to do stuff before work. Notably, spending money that I don't have. UGH.
e-reader shame,
assassin's creed