Alias premiere.

Jan 06, 2005 01:01

Random thoughts:

Sydney in lingerie - soooo Phase One. I expected her to choke the poor guy to death.

"Last year sucked." Preach it, Vaughn!

Not too big of a fan of the '72 hours ago' stuff. I only need to see the footage once, thanks.

APO? Awww, the whole gang is back together again! Not willingly (Dixon and Sloane in the same room without wanting to kill each other? Ha!), or course, but still nice to see. Dixon needs to be Syd's partner in the field, stat. I've missed the two of them working together. You'd think the public would notice people walking down towards the tracks and entering the door though. Not very secretive, I would say. Hellllooo creepy uncle Arvin! Who in the right mind would make Sloane the boss, even if it's a black ops? The man has too much history on him.

I squeed when Marshall came on the screen. *smooshes him* And HEE! Marshall having eggs with Sark! Just the mention of Sark's name perked me up. Also, very believable (and hilarious!) that it would be Marshall making an effort to be kind and visit Sark. My mind immediate went, "fanfic, anyone?" I'll be expecting a couple of those to pop up soon, and I can't wait to read them.

!?! Irina's DEAD? I wasn't spoiled for this, though I did expect it to happen since Lena Olin refuses to come back. But pfffft, Jack killing Irina? Weren't they having cybersex just a couple months back? (You know that's what they were doing offscreen.) Even more unbelievable, Irina hired an assasin to kill Sydney. What the frell?! (Too much Farscape on the brain.) As far as I'm concerned, Irina loves Sydney and wouldn't kill her own daughter, even if it's to protect her other daughter. This is even worst than the whole 'Irina and Sloane slept together and procreated Nadia' storyline. Pffft, I say. Irina's not dead in my mind.

Man, Nadia and Sydney flew to Russia when they had to be at work the next day? Also, wasn't Nadia in Argentina when Syd and crew were doing the op in Rio de Janeiro? I know I have to suspend belief to watch this show but... sheesh.

I really like Nadia, and Mia Maestro is so puurty (man, she really looks like Lena Olin). Of course, how she was created was stupid and Sydney, have you not learned that all secrets will be revealed eventually? Avenging for their dead mother... er, whatever. You barely knew your mother and she was no saint. Besides for that storyline, I'm looking forward to future Nadia storylines.

Hee, I can't believe Syd's using the same cover she used for SD-6! There's no way that Weiss is going to fall for that for an extended period of time. And awww, poor Weiss, I wish he was part of APO too. I'm looking forward to the possibility of Weiss and Nadia getting together though. *loves Weiss*

Enjoyed the Asian boss bad guy. He pulled off the 'I'm evil and damn, I'm good (looking)" vibe very well, though he reminded me of Sark. RIP Asian bad guy.

I hope Will makes a guest appearence this season. I miss him. *sniff*

And that's the end of my Alias thoughts. I was ridiculously excited waiting for Alias to start, counting down the days and hours and I think the episode pretty good. All I'm hoping for this season is for Sydney to cry less (she can have a good cry every 5 episodes), cut back on the S/V (Vaughn's getting pretty comfy in her house already, isn't he? All I can think during their sex scene was 'hurry up and be over with it already' and 'man, that must have been AWKWARD to shoot'), and storylines that make sense and are believable. Restore my faith, JJ.

Oh, I HATE the new opening sequence. Sure, Jen's hot in all those different outfits, but I miss the plain ol' mysterious black screen.

One comment on Lost: Sawyer and Kate are HAWT together. Let's forget Jack and get them together already!

I caught the Farscape bug. OMG Die Me Dichotomy broke my heart. Completely shattered it into tiny pieces. I was going to stop watching after season 2... but yeah, there was no way I was just going to stop there! I'll comment more on Farscape another day though. Oh, and Claudia Black is goooorrgeous.

tv: lost, tv: alias, tv: farscape

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