18 Roses (2nd Rose)

Dec 30, 2009 20:18

Title: 18 Roses
Pairing: Park Yoochun and OC
Rating: PG
Summary: Two diary entries from two people brought together by fate. On one hand, a girl starting a new life in a new city while she reaches for he dreams. On the other hand, a guy healing from the end of a beautiful past. What has fate installed for them?
Quotes: "After all, life is simple. It is the circumstances that complicates them."
A/N: Another story from me. I hope you guys like it..Comments are loved..Betaed by ting5

2nd Rose

September 13, 2008

Dear Diary,

If only my boss would just disappear. I can’t believe I agreed to become the personal assistant of an obese, selfish, crazy woman whose only happiness is to see people going crazy over her crazy demands. Speaking of crazy demands, I didn’t realize that bringing her dog to the veterinarian is included in my job description. For goodness sake, I’m allergic to dogs! Wasn’t she able to read that info in my biodata? Aish. When I got to the clinic, my nose was so red that I could pass for a human Rudolph, the red nosed reindeer. I could even feel the rashes in my neck and arms. I hate to say this but I was thankful that my crazy boss arrived at the clinic a few minutes later and decided that she’ll be the one to talk to the veterinarian personally because apparently “she couldn’t trust someone like me to take care of her precious RIO”. Aaarrgh. The nerve of that woman. If I know better, she only wanted to flirt with the vet. I heard from the customers that the vet was a gorgeous bachelor. Ugh.

Anyway, there was another rose in my front door when I got home. The second rose. It also had a note saying, “After all, life is simple. It is the circumstances that complicates them”. Well how I wish the circumstances would actually simplify themselves so I could live my life simply. Ugh. I’m really curious about this whole rose thing. Is this a joke or is this the start of something new?


13 September 2008

I saw her again, the girl who lost her charm bracelet. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to return to her the bracelet. I went inside my office to get the bracelet but when I returned to the lobby, she was already gone and someone else was already there holding her dog. She looked just the way I first saw her-beautiful. Except for the red nosed reindeer look she had. Hmmm. I wonder if she’s allergic to dogs. If that’s the case, that would mean she won’t be able to stand being around Harang. What a shame. Beautiful, clumsy and allergic to dogs. Ha-ha.

Oh. I wonder if the girl at 308 got home already. I’m sure she gets a lot of surprises when she arrives home. I just wish she’s not allergic to dogs. Sigh. I hope one of these days I could ask her to sing while I play the piano. It would be a beautiful scene. Romantic.


Comments are loved..

completed: 18 roses, band: dong bang shin ki, pairing: yoochun and oc

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