18 Roses (3rd Rose)

Dec 30, 2009 20:20

Title: 18 Roses (Diary Entries)
Pairing: Park Yoochun and OC
Rating: PG
Summary: Two diary entries from two people brought together by fate. On one hand, a girl starting a new life in a new city while she reaches for he dreams. On the other hand, a guy healing from the end of a beautiful past. What has fate installed for them?
Quotes: "Wouldn't it be nice to see the morning with the one you love the most. Wouldn't it be nice to say goodnight to the one you hold so close to your heart."
A/N: I think I'm getting the hang of posting..Hehe..Betaed by ting5 .

3rd Rose

September 14, 2008

Dear Diary,

What a great Sunday. I was finally able to appreciate the beauty of sunrise. I never imagined it would be so magnificent. I met up with my BFF (best friend forever) Jaejoong this morning. I missed him so much. It feels so great to be with an old friend. Ohh. Jaejoong actually brought good news. Yes. GOOD NEWS.


I’m so happy for him. I remember when we were still in college; he’d keep on saying that he’ll never get married because having a family would only keep him from achieving his dream of being a singer. But lo and behold he’s the first one to get married. Oh well, I think married life would suit him very well. He was always good with kids and all. Sigh. Jaejoong is so lucky. He actually kept on teasing me earlier about being single at the age of 21. Hello! I’m still 21. Young enough to stay single. OMG! I almost forgot. I’m turning 22 on the 17th. Hmp. Still young enough to be single. Ha!

Chie (she lives at the 508) invited me to lunch at her place today but I wasn’t able to go since I had to accompany Jaejoong at the mall to buy some stuff to bring home. I actually felt guilty since Chie was so nice to invite me even if I just moved in. Actually, she wanted to introduce me to some of the neighbors. Oh well. I guess I’ll just have to make up next time. I miss home already. T.T


P.S. Another rose at the front door. My third rose. “A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person.” I think that’s enough marriage talk for today.

14 September 2008

What a Sunday. I had to go to the clinic today for an emergency. Mrs. Lin’s dog had a uterine prolapse after giving birth to five puppies. I had to keep an eye on her for the whole morning. Fortunately, Yoohuan came to take over. It’s a good thing that Yoohuan’s also a veterinarian. Someone can help me around the clinic once in a while.

I went to Chie’s place to have lunch along with the couples-Chie and Junsu, Chiharu and Changmin, Utami and Yunho. See, all couples. Chiharu said they invited someone to “pair up” with me. However, my “pair” didn’t show up so I endured most of the time being engrossed by sweetness of the three couples. I swear I literally saw ants in the table during lunch. Talking about to much sweetness. Tsk. I really have to tell them to stop pairing me up with girls, especially Chie. She feels like she’s a matchmaker or something. Although I have to give her credit for introducing Changmin and Yunho to Chiharu and Utami, she really helped in creating those love stories. But on second thought, if they pair me up with the girl at 308, I wouldn’t mind. I would be glad to pair up with her.

Well, Junsu actually gave Changmin, Yunho and I quite a surprise while we were preparing some dessert. He told us to attend the party tomorrow evening because something special will happen. And by special, it meant that he’ll be proposing to Chie at the party. Yup. Proposing. The truth is we’ve been asking him for some time on when he would propose to her. I mean, five years of being together and he hasn’t proposed yet.  Even Chiharu and Utami are asking him about it. Well, his answer was that he only wanted everything to be ready and stable when he proposes to her. Hmmm. I’m sure Junsu and Chie will have a happy life together. I’m happy for both of them.


completed: 18 roses, band: dong bang shin ki, pairing: yoochun and oc

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