Title: Otome
hikarinoniji Group: Hey!Say!JUMP/AKB48
Pairing: Yaotome Hikaru/Miyazawa Sae
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: This is purely fiction.
Summary: Sae's hair is too short
A/N: Idek AKB48 but
shiroikazex 's flail brought be to writing this. Idek why either. /dies. Dedicated to
shiroikazex and her cute fangirling on Twitter.
"It's too short," Hikaru commented on her new haircut.
She shot him a glare as her fingers twirled aimlessly through the short dark strands of hair.
He gave her a weird look in return and she shrugged.
"I like it and if you don't that's not my problem." She spoke casually, hiding her disappointment in his reaction, or rather the lack there off.
"I never said I didn't like it!" The male quickly shot back, pouting and Sae turned her head to hide an uncharacteristic blush.
A sly grin appeared on Hikaru's face as he leaned on the table with his elbows, quirking a brow at his friend.
"I could grow my hair long you know, wear it in a pigtail."
Sae chuckled and glanced back at him, "and why would you do that?"
He laughed, "so you can be the ikemen boyfriend then and I"ll be your 'super cute' girlfriend."
Before Sae had the time to reply Hikaru stole a kiss from her lips after which he took off on full speed.
The girl was left alone and while she trailed over her lips with the tip of her finger, wondering if she could really make him do that.