2012 Fanfic Summary

Jan 06, 2013 12:00

This is a tradition now! Not that I wrote a ton this year, but still.

Fics posted this year:

be calm, be calm-(!!!) (Cesare/Lucrezia, AU), ~9.5k
Behold! Us Wayward Monsters (Pinto, AU), ~52k
Epitaph For a Pest (Benedict Cumberbatch/Tom Hardy, AU), ~2k
Kodachrome (Taylor Lautner/Robert Pattinson, AU), ~1k
Life Is Like a Box of Books (Pinto, AU), ~2.5k
River of Dreams (Pinto, Underage, AU), ~4k
There Are Worse Things Than Dreams (Kirk/Spock, STXI), ~4.5k

For a grand total of: 71.5k. Not too shabby.

Overall Thoughts: I didn't write as much as I wanted to - I dropped out of my fave big bangs, incidentally - but at the same time I was more adventurous with bingo cards. I think this year was about knowing my limits and then trying new things. Can't really fault that, I suppose.

Looking back, did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you'd predicted?: Less. I was too caught up in modding two comms to really write what I wanted. No regrets, though.

What pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted in January?: Hardybatch! That was so wonderful. I saw Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy, learned that Benedict Cumberbatch and Tom Hardy were actually friends from way back, and instantly started shipping it. I wish I had more of a handle on British life in order to write fic for them, for I'd really like to do so.

What's your own favorite story of the year? Not the most popular, but the one that makes you happiest?: Be Calm, Be Calm was definitely my favorite. In fact, it might be my favorite thing I've ever written. I had so much fun conjuring the thing, didn't even weep when I edited it, and have actually gone back and re-read it a few times without cringing. Whenever I think about being a writer and not having enough snuff to do so, I think of that story and how wonderful it felt. It proved a lot of things to me. (Oh yeah, and it talks about the 60s and Vietnam, so of course it would be my fave. Ha.)

Did you take any writing risks this year? What did you learn from them?: I tried a lot of flash writing and letting things go. There are a few shorts I posted that I'm not pleased with, but at the same time I knew they'd never reach some imaginary and unknown standard. I've come to accept myself the way I am, and sometimes that means pieces that are convoluted and not the best. (I guess this means I worked on my perfectionism.)

From my past year of writing, what was....

My best story of this year: In terms of development and plot, probably Behold! Us Wayward Monsters. That was a long time in the making, for sure.

My most popular story of this year: I'm not really sure. I had old fic that was rec'ed on an anon meme (the 'Could Never' series from last year), and then my Borgias fic has more kudos than my Trek fic from years ago. I'm not sure how to gauge this, I suppose.

Story of mine most under-appreciated by the universe, in my opinion: My Cirque AU got no love. It made me sad. It was posted during a lull in Pinto fandom, though. (Also I think Pinto has seen too many circus AUs, so I suppose I was late to the game anyway.)

Most fun story to write: Be Calm, Be Calm, by far. I mean, Zach had some wonderful snark in the Cirque AU (he even called Chris' sister a cunt! I've always wanted to write someone calling someone else a cunt), but writing Lucrezia in Be Calm was delightful.

Story with the single sexiest moment: Cesare and Lucrezia in the backseat of his car in the Hollywood Hills. I just have a thing for floral dresses.

Most "Holy crap, that's wrong, even for you" story: Well, incest doesn't phase me anymore - how about Len and Bill being dead in Life Is Like a Box of Books and Zach making a morbid joke about it? ("Sorry, too soon?")

Story that shifted my own perceptions of the characters: I did a last-minute post of There Are Worse Things Than Dreams, and in it I had to write a Victorian Sherlock Holmes. I never thought I would write that character, but I think it came off well. So much so that I might like to write a Holmes pastiche someday, who knows.

Hardest story to write: None of them were hard, honestly. Cirque AU had a lot of late nights, though. It just kept expanding and wouldn't stop.

Biggest Disappointment: Not posting Azimuth. It is such a massive project. There's a whole moleskine of plotlines and correspondences to Zenith and Stellium, that I am constantly overwhelmed in trying to untangle it. But it is a novel-fic, though. Some people take eons to write a novel, right? Right. I just want to do mine with love and with the best of care.

Biggest Surprise: That people still love Zenith and note me about it all the time. I can't tell you how much the support means to me - that I get notes saying they'll wait "as long as it takes" for Azimuth to come out. It's not only encouraging, but warms my heart. :)

Most Unintentionally Telling Story: The Cirque AU - and I'll leave it at that.

Fic-writing goals for 2013:

(1) Same thing as last year - finish fucking Azimuth, oh my god. If it helps, I've been working on it for the last month on a daily basis. I re-read Zenith (tweaked the commas - I have a comma problem, okay?), and have been steadily editing Azimuth since. Have also been writing a short story for the series, too. I will bang my head against a cement wall if I don't post this shit soon, I swear to Gods.

(2) Still mod ksbigbang and stbbsupport. I love talking with and supporting other writers, so of course I'll still be hanging around!

(3) I'm going back to school full-time, however, so everything else is up in the air. But I would love to do rpf_big_bang and startrekbigbang. I have ideas up to wazoo - that's never a problem - just time.

(4) I'm addicted to bingo cards, so I'll probably post more of those. Especially since I'm still working on flash writing and letting things go.

I hope everyone has a creative and wonderful 2013! Especially since Trek fandom is coming back, yee-haw. ♥


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