Jan 01, 2031 23:35

(Because it just occurred to me that I have enough writing to justify one of these now.)

Last Updated: 1/1/13

Star Trek: AOS (All are Kirk/Spock, with additional pairings noted in the listing.)

  • Adventures In Solitude (Welcome Back): AO3 | LJ
    (PG) A year after the Enterprise starts its mission, Spock is still dealing with his grief over the loss of Vulcan and his mother.
    Warnings: Angst, Pre-slash.

  • Could Never Say No
    (NC-17) Chubby!Spock loves food, has issues, and Kirk cheers him up about not being able to fit into his pants.
    Warnings: Food Sex, Fat Appreciation.
    • Could Never Deny Him
      (NC-17) Chubby!Spock returns, and this time Kirk gets him to wear women's clothing.
      Warnings: Cross-dressing, Food Sex, and some lovely Fat Appreciation.

  • Hang On To Your Hopes, My Friend: AO3 | LJ
    Additional Pairings: McCoy/Gaila, Sulu/Rand, Spock/T'Pring, and some other small side-pairings.
    (R) In the race for Federation President, two candidates have stepped up for the challenge. But to what lengths will Kirk and Spock go through for the process - and will the sacrifices be worth it?
    Warnings: Crazy format, shallow discussions of politics, and an inability for the characters to take anything seriously.

  • Heroes and Villains: AO3 | LJ
    Additional Pairings: Scotty/Uhura, Kirk/OMC, OMC/OFC
    (PG-13) The Enterprise is getting ready for their Valentine's Day celebrations, when they are ordered to investigate Sigma Iotia II for possible cultural contamination. When they get there however, Kirk and company discover way more "culture" than they had bargained for.
    Warnings: A "Piece of the Action" reboot, with some swearing and mild torture. Also songfic, I guess.

  • The Stratos Bride: AO3 | LJ
    Additional Pairings Droxine/Vanna
    (PG-13) Joanna McCoy thought that visiting Leonard for a week would be awesome. She'd get to meet the father she never knew, hang out on a starship, get to meet the famous Jim Kirk - and maybe even get to see something cool. Instead she falls and hits her head, freaks out Leonard into Over-Protective-Dad mode, and has to lamely stay in Sickbay for the rest of the trip. How much worse can it get? Try Jim Kirk wanting to tell her a story, of all things, to help pass the time. Why should Joanna care about some planet named Ardana, and the High Advisor's daughter that gets kidnapped by a pirate? Especially when Jim insists there's romance involved - ew. But when the story starts to reveal that Jim, Spock, and Leonard kidnapped a princess - topped by some action, adventure, and even some swashbuckling - well, maybe it is pretty interesting and worth listening to. Especially when it reveals that Leonard - er, her father - might be someone whom she might unexpectedly like, after all.
    Warnings: Minor Character Death, AU and TOS Episode Reboot, Strange Story Format, Long and Awful Descriptions of Sword-Fighting and Traversing Great Distances, Violence and Vague Descriptions of Torture. This is also a Reboot of the TOS episode "The Cloud Minders" told within a Princess Bride AU.

  • There Are Worse Things Than Dreams:
    (G) Spock thinks his card-playing companions are strange, but perhaps not as strange as their questions about his relationship to Captain Kirk.

  • Zenith: AO3 | DW | LJ
    Additional Pairings: Bones/Gaila, Scotty/Uhura, and one-sided Sulu/Chekov
    (R) When Winona Kirk finds love with the small-town sheriff of Riverside, Jim is uprooted for his high school senior year to the middle of nowhere. But once Jim arrives, he gets wrapped up in the local mystery of a series of crop circles, along with finding himself drawn to a peculiar and enigmatic group of kids - especially one in particular, named Spock. Danger ensues, as Kirk unravels the meaning behind the crop circles, and why Spock and his family live in Riverside.
    Warnings: Twilight Fusion/AU, High School and underage, mild torture, and minor character death.
    • Azimuth: AO3 | LJ
      Additional Pairings: Bones/Gaila, Scotty/Uhura, Pike/Number One, Winona/Frank, and one-sided Sulu/Chekov
      (R) As Jim deals with how Nero has impacted 21st century Earth, he must also learn to cope with his bond with Spock and leaving the only home he's ever known. Can Jim and Spock repair and build their relationship - a mere month old - while forging bonds with the rest of the Enterprise crew? Especially when a wrench is thrown into their plans by a mysterious stranger who can offer Jim a different past, and 21st century Vulcans who can offer Jim a different future.
      Warnings: Twilight Fusion/AU, High School and underage, arguing/discord, body possession, vague talks of suicide/martyrdom. Also as of this update, the fic isn't completed, but is a WIP.

    • Nocturnes: One-shots based on the Zenith 'verse from other character perspectives.

    Star Trek RPF (All are Chris Pine/Zachary Quinto, with additional pairings noted in the listing.)

    • Amongst Your Hounds of Lovin': AO3 | DW | LJ
      (NC-17) Zach wonders what deity he pissed off to get the same, craptastic day to repeat over and over for him.
      Warnings: Angst, Groundhog Day Syndrome, Drive-by Femslash.

    • Behold! Us Wayward Monsters: AO3 | LJ
      Additional Pairings: Joe Quinto/OFC, Zoe Saldana/Karl Urban
      (NC-17) When Cirque du Soleil presents an opportunity of a lifetime, Zach and Joey drive to Montréal to join their newest production. It's meant to be just another job in Zach's vagabond life, a stable gig that allows him and Joey to travel all over the world and explore their passions. But what is a guy to do when his brother goes off-script, getting involved with a veteran contortionist? And even worse, what is Zach supposed to do when he meets a blue-eyed stranger, someone who isn't put off by Zach's tough-guy exterior? Over the course of six months they become friends, and as Zach learns the life of the cirque, he also learns that maybe, just maybe, real life is way more complicated than any circus act.
      Warnings: Angst, Politically Incorrect and Offensive Sarcasm, Mentions of Previously-Attempted Suicide, and Clowns.

    • Blue Clear Sky: AO3 | DW | LJ
      (NC-17) Look, Zach has rules. Especially about dating in this city of actors, and keeping an eye out for that handsome blue-eyed stranger that could (questionably) be stalking him. But what's a guy to do when life certainly doesn't give a damn, and turns the rules upside down? Cue casting shenanigans, drama, and - heaven forbid - growing feelings. Oh my.

    • Family Album: DW | LJ
      (PG) Chris and Zach are going through Zach’s Halloween photo albums.
      Warnings: AU, First Fanfic for Pinto, Entirely in Dialogue, Cheesy Ending (I REGRET NOTHING).

    • Honest
      (PG-13) Domestic silliness with pancakes. Written for the Pinto Fest Drabblethon.

    • How Beautiful Were the Stars: AO3 | DW
      (PG-13) AU drabble where Chris meets Zach while he's still in high school, and Zach is about to join the army.
      Warnings: Angsty, Underage.

    • Late At Night A Lover Sings: AO3 | DW | LJ
      (R) When Zach leaves for New York, Chris is worried. How will their relationship survive the year, when they'll spend most of it apart?
      Warnings: Angst, First-Person POV.

    • Life Is Like a Box of Books:
      (PG-13) In which Zach inherits a bookstore, Chris inherits a box of books, and both boys discover that Bill was universally a pervert. (Written for au_bingo.)

    • River of Dreams:
      (G) Zach explodes at his mother and runs away from home. Trying to cool off in the park, he meets a strange young boy that he's inexplicably drawn to. (Written for au_bingo.)

    • Scenes From a (Not-So) Lonely Christmas: AO3 | DW | LJ
      (PG-13) Zach thinks he's spending Christmas alone and depressed, but Chris has other ideas.

    • Some Practical Magick: AO3 | LJ
      Additional Pairings: Joe Quinto/Karl Urban, Eric Bana/Zachary Quinto
      (NC-17) Growing up without their father, Zach and Joey stick together through thick and thin. But when they move to a sleepy community to live with their mother and aunt-both carrying on the family tradition of witchcraft-life becomes almost unbearable as social outcasts. As a teen Joey runs away to NYC, straining the boys' relationship, but their devotion to one another remains strong-through graduation, through college, through falling in love. But when Joey falls in love with the wrong man, how far will Zach go to protect his brother from harm? Detective Chris Pine would like to know this, too-and comes across a family more complex than he could've anticipated. A Practical Magic AU.
      Warnings: This fic has a long warning list that is explicit and squicky to some people. Please check out the LJ masterlist to see them all.

    • Won't Let You Leave My Love Behind
      (PG-13) Gay marriage is finally legal in New York, and it prompts Zach to finally make a decision about him and Chris - despite the fact that they've been broken up for over a year.

    Other Stuff That Doesn't Fit Anywhere

    • be calm, be calm-(!!!):
      Pairing(s): Cesare/Lucrezia, The Borgias
      (NC-17) In the summer before Cesare enters seminary and Lucy goes to college, Juan is drafted into the Vietnam War. While all three must fight the expectations and demands their father has placed on them, Cesare is fighting desires and urges that he inwardly confesses are wrong. But as Cesare tries do the right thing, the world is not making it easy-with Juan's situation reminding him he's running away from destiny, Father trying to set up Lucy with a client's cousin, and Lucy demanding that they always stay together. Can Cesare fight the uphill moral battle, or will he seize what he truly desires and wants?
      Warnings: Incest and racial slurs from the time period. (1960s AU, written for the bingo square "Post-Atomic Age" for au_bingo.)

    • Epitaph For a Pest:
      Pairing(s): Benedict Cumberbatch/Tom Hardy
      (PG-13) Ben doesn't want to admit it, but being bothered perhaps isn't as bad as he claims it to be. (College AU, written for the bingo square "mutant" for au_bingo.)

    • Evil Sexily Spangles, Apparently: AO3 | LJ
      Pairing(s): Nyota Uhura/Marlena Moreau, TOS
      (NC-17) When Uhura takes a detour to her quarters before meeting her team in sickbay, she has an unexpected visitor.
      Warnings: Mirror!Verse, some mild rough-housing.

    • Gonna Love You Good and Strong, While Our Love is Good and Young
      Pairing(s): Nyota Uhura/Christine Chapel, AOS
      (PG) Nyota and Christine finally get some shore leave in historic New York City.

    • Kodachrome
      Pairing(s): Taylor Lautner/Robert Pattinson
      (G) Taylor needs to escape, Rob is his unlikely hero. (Modeling AU, written for the "model" square on au_bingo.)

    • A Wash of Memory
      Pairing(s): TOS!Nyota Uhura and lots of different chicks, but mostly TOS!Uhura/TOS!Chapel.
      (NC-17) After a hectic away mission, Nyota relaxes in a bathtub.
      Warnings: Masturbation spurred by fantasies, and some angst at the beginning to spur it on. Written for a square on Kink_Bingo.

    • Bright Lights (Original Fiction)
      (R) Nineteen-year-old Nova is unexpectedly hit by a car on her bike ride home from work. As if that weren't bad enough, she finds herself out-of-body and unable to get home. While reliving moments of her tragic life, she's accompanied by a really good-looking (if not incredibly neurotic) spirit guide, who must also come to grips with Nova's past. However things only become more complicated as they are followed by a dark spirit called The Chariot, trying to lure Nova to "hell", and an invisible spirit who remains unknown - and the story's narrator. How do all the pieces fit, and will Nova ever find where she belongs?
      Warnings: Language, Anti-Religious, Talks of Suicide, Alcoholism, Abuse, and Vague Sexual References. Also written in first-person POV. This was posted for novel_bigbang, and as of this update, the fic is still a WIP and incomplete.

    • The Anvil E-Zine
      A Harry Potter Harry/Hermione e-zine that I edited from 2005-2007. Someday I'll reinstate the URL, but for now RIP.

    • Fandom S!ut
      My tumblr blog that represents my fandom life, in a nutshell. Includes meta, recs, and of course tons and tons of pictures.

    • TOS Rewatch for kirkspock
      I was one of five contributors to post recaps and discussions, outlining all the slash in The Original Series

    Bingo Cards:

    Stuff in the Pipeline:

    • Azimuth - Over 98k at the moment. After doing a spot-edit for punctuation in Zenith, I've moved on to finally tackling this behemoth. It's over 98k and has plot lines up to wazoo, and I've finally come to the conclusion that, hey: I'm writing a novel. A fanfic novel, but there you go. So please know it's always at the back of my mind, I'm just taking extreme care with it. I really love this series and its characters - I just want to do them justice, even if it is for a hack-crossover universe. (Note: While editing I'm also writing some in-between stories, like The Short Second Life of Samuel George.)

    • ksbigbang - Will probably start a month earlier this year! In our first year with training wheels we had some issues, like overlapping too much with startrekbigbang, so I'd like to move it back to allow writers some space. Maybe February 2013 will be sign-ups?

    • The overall big picture - I'm going back to college to finish my writing degree, so it might be a slow year. (Or a big one! You never know with these things.) I'd still love to participate in all the things and will try to do my best. I'm also supposed to work on some original fiction to submit for graduate admissions, so there's that, too. It's a big year with big ideas - and with Star Trek fandom hopefully coming back to life, too!


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