
Apr 29, 2008 09:27

April 19: Planted 64 silver queen corn, 128 peas, 64 fingerling carrots, 32 (green) onions, 64 radishes. Hmm, was there more? I'll have to pull out my plan and see if I recalled this correctly.

I haven't been out to check on the garden in a few days b/c of the rain and all, but when I was out there on Saturday or Sunday the radishes were up and had a full set of first leaves. They only take 28 days so that's why they are already up and running.

April 24: Planted 2 zucchini, 2 broccoli, and three (small-headed) cabbage. (Or was it 3 broc and 2 cabbage?)

I plan to stagger the planting times so that I'm not harvesting everything all at once. I only want to harvest what I can use/ give away/ can and not more. I still have tons of stuff to put in the ground. I have some storage onions that take 120 days, 6.5 lbs of red potatoes with lots of starts to put in tire stacks, precious gem corn (which I was told I would taste and never go back to another corn, that I would spit out silver queen), lots of herbs (about everything I would possibly use on a regular basis), flowers, and I need to get some tomatoes, peppers and I really want some eggplant and bok choy.

I plan to make my own salsa this year as I didn't get to last year and my hubby really LOVES the stuff. Britt's neighbor apparently makes his own and it's fabulous so I'm told, so I think I'll get his recipe and plant accordingly.

We are doing our own perverted version of square foot gardening. I am planting in areas that are 4 feet wide by about 20(?) feet long and am not walking on my soil. I am planting according to how many per square foot and not in rows, but am using my existing soil since it's so freaking good. It's so rich and lush that we'd be crazy to fork out the time and money to use Mel's mix. However, I do plan to add compost to it as it's available. I will have 7 of these 4' wide rows in my back yard. It's all tilled up, I just have only used a portion of it. I've used 2/3 of one row and 1/3 of another, so there's still PLENTY of room, maybe too much :)

I need to get pics of the garden and post them before everything is growing! Also, Jon tilled it *all* up and not just the 4' wide rows with 2.5' walkways of grass, shrug. So he mentioned that he'd like to buy a truckload of rock to put down for the pathways. I, however, am not sure I want something that's gonna be a pain to remove if we want to later and I also don't want to spend that kind of money for nice walkways, and lastly, if I'm knelt down on rocks to weed, that's gonna HURT! 
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