Friendship Meme: Marley & Unique

Mar 31, 2013 14:47

They spend a lot of time at Marley’s house. It’s not that Unique’s parents don’t love her, and Heaven knows they support her considering the money they pour into her closet alone. But, well. They give everything they can. Unique doesn’t expect them to understand. For god’s sake she barely understands some days (and on some days it’s so clear it’s like broken glass), she can’t expect her parents, born and bred Ohio Republicans, to totally get it. They try, and they don’t expect her to wear boys clothes too often, and that’s plenty. More than enough. Unique is happy to compromise on a few things.

But. Well. At the Rose household Unique gets to be the bossy big sister she always wanted to be.

(The first time Unique went to Marley’s house she went as Wade, because she knew Mrs. Rose must have seen her as Unique in the cafeteria but she didn’t want to push. But Mrs. Rose just greeted them with cookies (fresh from the cafeteria ovens! she’d winked), asked Unique where she’d gotten that beautiful skirt yesterday, and commented on how happy she was to see Marley making some nice female friends, not that that Jake didn’t seem nice… )

And when they’re at Marley’s house they bake. A lot. Marley pretends Unique is subtle. Unique is under no such illusions.

Unique's arms are weapons,gorgeous gorgeous weapons darling, and she can whip up a batter in no time at all. She needs to keep her arms in shape dear, she doesn't even use a mixer at home there's no need to apologize for not having one.

Marley is in charge of the fiddly things, like actually measuring out the sugar and flour and setting the oven. If left to herself, Unique would just make kitchen sink cookies everytime. Not to say those aren't delicious but variety is the spice of life. Marley likes to joke that it's the spice cookie of life, to which Unique loudly bemoans her choice in friends. The extras, the raisins and chocolate chips and the like, generally get tossed into each other's mouths in increasingly acrobatic games.

And sometimes all Marley can eat are the sugar cookies they make after school. On days that she sees people laughing and pointing at her mom, or that she gets a bad grade, or a million other tiny things that shouldn’t matter but do and lead to her crying in the bathroom during lunch, Unique crumbles up the cookies and feeds them to her in between sips of apple juice. It’s all she can stomach on those days, the flavor light enough that she can pretend she’s just swallowing Unique’s perfume.

Not all days are bad days of course! It’s not even a large percentage. Most of the time they make rich, chocolatey cookies (because Unique is of the firm opinion that everything can be improved with chocolate and Marley is of the firm opinion that everyone should really just listen to Unique more often) and stuff their faces as they giggle over How I Met Your Mother and Community.

Sometimes Marley coaxes Unique into Animal Planet (“they’re so cute, Unique!” “They’d be cuter as my coat”) and sometimes Unique can switch the channel to Jersey Shore when Marley’s not looking (“oh gross, Unique, they look like oompa loompas!” “”Mmmm, girl if the oompa loompas had those abs then I was obviously watching the wrong Willy Wonka”)

Their favorite show, they both agree, is FRIENDS. They always sing the intro together, with their cookies as the best kind of microphone.
I’ll be there for you

friendship meme, glee, fic

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