Taiwan Food Part 1 - 便當

May 23, 2010 23:40

Dear Journal,

One of the many things that attracts me in Taiwan is FOOD! As many of you would know that I love to eat, and Taiwan is a heaven of food, almost anywhere and everywhere I go is food.

便當 - packet meal/ lunchbox

There are many 便當 stores in Taiwan, very much similar to our very own 雜菜飯/ chap chai peng. My lunch for the first 3 days was 便當 for all the participants.

Most of the 便當店 operates in the similar manner as I was told. On the top of the box prints the menu of the store, e,g 炸雞扒飯,紅燒牛肉飯. While it's generally fixed menu, there are many variety to choose from.

Not sure if you could see from the pictures above, the lunch boxes were rather compact and organised. Each of the boxes were about less than 1" thick with compartment for veggies and side dishes. So unlike out chap chai peng, all the gravy is all over the place.

Average price of a lunchbox is NTD75, which is about SGD3.75. I felt it was quite expensive given in Taiwan. Even tho I've seen about NTD50/ SGD2.50, but I was told those are not common.

Next, I would write about 小吃, so do keep a look out.


taiwan, food

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