Whew! On a roll with this NaruSasu stuff!

May 22, 2006 10:41

It has been very relaxing to wake up in the morning and know you don't have to do anything. I checked on what scholarships of the 10-12 I didn't recieve. That would be a good few, but hey, I tried. But I make myself get away from the scholarship stuff for a moment and took the time to go ahead and reply to all the LJ responses waiting for me. There were four or five. The most current and very last one I really went at it with
fukinoko on their thread "Pairings and the Exclusion Factor" which was a lot of fun. I just hope they were okay with all my ranting on the NaruSasu. But most of all as
zaccheo already knows I was just happy someone stepped up to the plate ready to learn and teach! It was quite exciting. What a way to start the day. It helped get my focus off my allergies or whatever this is. I can't stop sneezing and such, and taking my allergy medicine isn't helping much. Knowing my luck I managed to catch cold, or my damn brother gave me something. Can't tell which at this point. But I am hanging in there and having fun on lj for some down time. Which is always a pleasure. I am still kinda craving some more Naruto, but above all I need fanfiction badly. Which is almost killing me. But I will work on that. Well... I should go.. no point in rambling about an uneventful day, which hasn't even really begun. I know Hee-chan will read this and thnking WTF?! Who Wakes up at 8:30AM WILLINGLY well I guess I would be that crazy person.

So that is all for now! And once again I thank
fukinoko for their patience and time!

Shinigami Twin 04
(Quatre Raberba Winner)

narusasu, naruto, sasunaru, anime

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