May 17, 2006 18:36
Well... at the Ren Fair. My entire reason for going was to get a chance to hang out with that friend I told you about who is currently in college. I hadn't had time to see her behind because she spent so much time "studying" (on and off for hours at a time) and then when she did come home I either already had plans or her parents were holding her hostage in hopes her grades would improve should she study MORE! (Ahhhh!) Other than that it also didn't help she went to school a good hour and a half minimum away! Soo... needless to say when she finally finished school last Monday we scheduled to hang out!
One thing she brought I got to see before her departure was her precious dolly! She makes them! Can't remember the name of the companies or anything to better describe but I will get back to that later. Her doll's name was Lith. He had a blue wig on that day she borrowed from a friend. Her mom helps her make the clothes for him so they don't go broke with the hobby entirely. (These dolls are a minimum of like $250 or something - and that is really really lucky they typically get up to like $500!) But everyone has their own hobby.
I had gone to the Ren Fair a week before on Sunday, so I had already experienced some things. One of which was the 4 o'clock auction that the pirate ship has. I was very entertained and loved the spirit. And best of all they gave away free stuff! ^_^ Everyone likes free crap! So I wanted to do that again since the first time I was with family and my mom wasn't necessarily into anything. (She didn't want to walk up to a single booth or attraction!) But I experinced plenty with my friend. We did the auction and I got one of the free whips I wanted so much! It was quite grand.
My friend ended up with a string of beads that came from the big guy's pants. (She wasn't all that excited, she threw them at me immediately worried about where exactly they really were.) It was kinda funny cause they were thrown at her by this other dude that actually caught them and realized where they came from threw them at her while she was laughing. I laughed extremely hard as you can imagine ^_^ )
After all that fun we left cause we had gotten a little tired, and I got my mom her mother's day gift. It was a Field's Guide to Jewelry. (She loves antiques so it was perfect! She did already own Records, Comics, and Watches; but somehow not jewelry when that is her favorite to collect) The poor guy at the register almost had to help me pay cause I was getting out change to cover it. -_-;
Onwards in time!
Monday things really began! Here is where all the real fun started! We were down to the last four days as seniors:
Day 4 till end: We all had to do a LAB in Chemistry! EVVVVILL! We were not happy because we were indeed promised ice cream! And it was a hard lab! We had to try and recognize 4 cations and 2 strong acids, 1 weak base and 1 strong base! All by only mixing the together or by smell (which was the NH3) I am such a chemistry nerd! But all in all now I see the fun of it. Frustrating, but interesting. This was also our Senior Reception (which used to be a banquet, but they stopped giving dinner cause supposedly no one ever ate it, which no one believed because we knew other seniors did -our class just didn't manage money well....) They only had ice cream, cookies (which I recognized as Chips Ahoy by how hard they were) and then brownies which were okay. The ice cream choices where strawberry, vanilla, and cookies & cream. We had fun listening to people, talking, and ignoring most announcements. Some (except those like myself who didn't purchase one) got yearbooks and swiftly began flipping through them and having people sign 'em.
Highlight of the night was the Grey's Anatomy season finale. I believe one of the most genius parts was the scene where the Chief was interviewing everyone about what happened with Denny. (Tried not to give too many spoilers there.) And I loved some of the commercials like the one whith the Mac computer that reminded me of a certain Mac crazed friend and then there was this other commercial about the Low Ego car that I like.
Day 3 till end: We all had more lab to do... which nearly killed me cause I made some progress though not much. Instead I asked if I could come in and do the lab at anothertime so that I may be able to better concentrate. He agreed to let me come during second period. I finished reading my Shojo Beat magazine that our movie club sponsor so kindly gave me the Friday before. Why? That would be because we had a meeting today for that movie club and I wanted to make cake the day before. Well I wanted to make one with my cousin because she makes awsum cakes and food in general because she is good like that! And so... she was supposed to pick me up but didn't realize I was at school and she got caught up with hair. So I stayed at school till a friend came by and told be she would get me a ride home (lucky for me a band concert was the same night) So I got away from the school at 9PM! My latest time yet just two days before my final departure from it! -_-;
Day 2 before leave: I did my lab this morning! And I managed to get a 7 out of the 8 correct! The amazing part was that I knew the 8th one but was an idiot and changed my answer calling myself being safe! ^_^ Awesome! So turns out I really do know chemistry. I just can't concentrate in a room of people talking left and right! I did more in my actual class time to check that I knew what I was doing and got 6 out of the 8 which I think is correct considering I couldn't find the HCl considering there was no reaction with anything! It usually smokes but didn't! And when another student tried getting my Fe3+ to react with the HCl but it didn't happen! No HCl! Though my teacher didn't believe that naturally.
But enough chemistry... we also had nothing to do in our classes so there were more card games. And then there was AP Psychology where we finished One Flew Over the Cookoos Nest. Which was an awesome movie. We really liked it just as the teacher said we would. Next we imposed on the AP Psychology 5th period and took some of their pizza we overheard them ordering in the period before. Then in 6th period I managed to give Gundam Wing 101 again! I taught two (halfway) eager studnents who were practically anime illterate of my favorite anime of all time. Most of the focus was on the Gundam pilots thought cause I knew I didn't have much time to teacher everything of the plot. They decided after a very brief run through of personalities they favored Wufei Chang! (They truthfully would have probably prefered Quatre Raberba Winner but alas I informed them "Back of my property bitches!" and I think they understood.) Everyone in my 6th period knows me offically as crazy. When we watched Lion King 2 I told everyone Kofu was one hot lion.
At the end of the day today we had our:
It was quite dramatic in a way. A lot of the seniors signed each other's yearbooks and watched Mystery Science Theater 3000. They laughed and other underclassmen and some others socialized. The underclassmen mostly talked except when I harassed them. They really wanted Advent's Children but since so many people already seen it and the seniors were really enjoying the movie. Basically about everyone was happy today. Best of all my cousin managed to get her awesum cake there and we had TWO cakes! Everyone ate and we stayed till 6PM. Therefore the end of my last AMS meeting ever. I must say the best part had to be:
I got to give away the President position after 3 years!!!! Yesh!
The bliss. I told the new officers: All on you now suckers! Have fun! Try not to call me too much!
And so NEARLY ends my senior year.
Tomorrow we have our senior luncheon and the drumout where the band drumline drums us out of the school at he day's end. We will talk, eat, and sign yearbooks all before that. Many of us seniors will be long gone by the time everyone is dismissed! Can't wait. There will be hugs, tears, and joy I am sure. Graduation will probably be terrible in a way.
But, more on tha when it comes.
Tell everyone more about my life later (and I'll try to do that once a day at least so I don't end up doing this again.)
Shinigami Twin 04
(Quatre Raberba Winner)