dancing is also allowing

Mar 23, 2014 00:41

I weave magic. I weave the magic of my life in patterns and waves that people are almost totally unaware of. I dance with subtle energies in a way that holds the beauty of the moment without any expectation of it ever happening again. I allow my partners to change, to grow, to throw off their masks and reveal sharp canines, scars, searing eyes, talons, wings, whatever they need to show. My long experience with dreams has shown me that I never need to be afraid.

I hear the call of the universe and I choose to grow. It is not my destiny to fall for such security in things like knowing what's going to happen next; in all important things, the future is rarely known. I'm most concerned about the process of understanding. I don't care about the details; I want to hear the patterns as they fall, the weightless way sunlight is refracted through gentle waves at the very edge of the shore, where you dip your toes into.

My way is liquid light. My prayer is goodness. My light is always hopeful. I tread a path of weightless becoming, walking close to fairies and the light within. I walk my talk, as best I can, my head held high.

A friend asked me how it came to be that I took so much care with others, being tactful about changing subjects or gently stating boundaries, and I responded that I had tremendous compassion for myself, and I was gentle with myself. Therefore I didn't feel that I needed to be harsh or cruel with others.

Authenticity isn't a place you speak from; it's how you are. It's allowing your life to be a living prayer, a vibrant song of who you are.

Allowing things to be what they are, not trying to exert any force or control, being a moment of feng shui for someone to have access to forgiveness, healing, love energy. Holding the space that someone can forgive, can forgive themselves, can be in a place of forgiveness. It takes a lot of courage to hold a place of full forgiveness within themselves, to maintain that strength of well within. it's even stronger to hold that aloft for someone else to partake.

When I listen to others, I hold a space of complete nonjudgment. It is my goal to allow people to relax into their skin, to sink their face into the fold of solace that I cradle for them.
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