Mar 21, 2014 22:37
my preferred methods of communication in order.. texting, face to face, phone, email, FB, IM, LJ
I adore texting. It feels unobtrusive, like leaving a note at the door. Generally speaking I am pretty quick to respond to texts, though it depends on who it's from and if I feel we've talked enough or if they're saying something I don't feel i have a reply to. If I have friends who eventually whine once we're talking a lot, I find myself dropping the conversation. Other times it takes me longer to text, depending on what I'm doing. I can't text super fast and the way my phone receives texts it can be a little hard to build on conversation, but it is by far my favorite way to communicate.
I also like face to face, though with friends I have to say my desire for this is waning. Mostly because most of my friends, I know them so damn well that I don't think it's necessary to talk face to face to get nourishment from seeing them. Though this also usually involves cuddles, depending on the friend, and that is usually what I like more than actually talking.
Phone is almost my favorite way, but I put this as third because I can communicate through phone with local friends and long distance friends. I can really 'hear' someone over the phone in a way that I can't in person. I find myself almost better able to express myself over the phone. My voice changes and usually my posture does too.
Email is also another good way, but I tend to put more of myself into it, so I don't do it as much. I don't feel the need as often to communicate through email, but if something happened that is too long/complicated to text, I'll email. or if I just need to get out a lot, I'll email because it allows me the space to just BLARGH all over the page.
FB -- I would say this almost just because it's so easy to check everything.
IM-- I don't use this as much as I used to.
LJ -- I am definitely not on here as much as I used to be, nor do I read my friends page as often as I used to. I feel pulled here more because of my own personal writing.
I communicate when/as I have the energy. I have to really gauge how I'm feeling and how 'big' emotionally I feel about that particular connection. I allow myself to put things off if I just do not have the energy to tackle it, and I save up energy for bigger emotional things.