I would daddy but my report card isn't done yet!!

May 06, 2004 09:02

So here Is some of the scoop. My life has been extremely hectic lately with playing catch up and exams and everything else academic. I am now going to gripe about FSU for the next few minutes:: woo.

OK so three teachers fucked me over this semester and I am really pissed and in response all I have to say is Whatthefuckever!!!
- U.S Law, Crime, and politics in society since 1865 - First, never take a class whose title is more than a few words long. Second, never ever have problems with a source that may make your paper late a few days, and Third never think that since your participation level was "extraordinary" it means that the teacher would help you out in your time of need. She gave me a 90 on my paper and took 30 points off for it being late even though I spoke with her about my problem prior to the due date!!! Wound up with a B- which should've been an A!! Douche!can't fight it but it sucks that I ACED the two tests and then the paper did me in...but it was late which is my fault...meh.
- Advertising- got an A deserved an A...ohhh look one!!
- Women in Lit- I was the best student in the class hands down, all the students and the teacher agreed. I participated every day and made an otherwise boring class more than tolerable. She lost my paper not once but Twice...Yes you heard me Twice, She told me no penalty but then my final grade...B+ WTF...fighting this one.
- German I - the teacher was cool but not a really good teacher, wanted to be fun instead of informative but whatever. Made me take our second test the day I got back from that whole terrible horrible lung death sickness. I had no idea the test was that day!! She said "I will be fine" well fine = a 59. I approached her about it and she said we would "figure something out" and she would talk about it later...she never did. I being the loudmouth that I am, PARTICIPATED LIKE CRAZY!!! i knew it would be my saving grace...even if I was wrong I participated. She used my homework as examples of what to do or not to do depending on how much I understood. She gave me a transfer student to work with when she was lost and everything. I absolutely forgot that I had to make up the third test, I spoke to her a few days before grades were due, we set up a time, and she never showed. I E-mailed her and she gave me her house number to call, she never picked up, and then just averaged out my test scores to give a final grade of C-!!!! All I have to say is Fuck that!!! This is sooooo not over she does not know who she screwed with. She had the nerve to E-mail me back and say that my Participation and homework grades were up to her discretion!! Its a language course for chrissakes... My "fast talkin Lawyerin' ass will win!" and you all know it!
So there is my fun school drama more in a sec...need a drink
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