oh yess i nearly forgot!2 random quizzes per day! :D
do you believe that if you want something bad enough you'll get it?
hmm...nope,not all the time.
ever snuck out of the house?
hahahaha no!i'm very guai one okay :D
kill or be killed?
kill! >:D hehehe i secretly want to kill SOME people ;DD
break someone's heart or have your heart broken?
both'll be just as painful D:
what did you do today?
umm...ate breakfast,burnt alot of CDs for my mum,went to the library to borrow books,came back,read one of 'em [the book of lost things,its quite nice!],dinner,talked to ppl,now i'm here doing this quiz!
do you like someone right this second?
wadaya think? xD
would you ever get a tattoo?
well...i'm not totally against it or anything.i mean,not the super huge obvious kinds,but little little ones like roses or whatever...why not? :D in like inconspicuous places ;D
what was the last thing you ate?
papaya!they arent that gross la kim! x)
are you a morning person or a night person?
do you snore?
a little!i think >< at least,thats what people say! O:
do you know anyone who has gotten an abortIon?
what uh..no!
what would you do if you opened your door and found a dead body?
scream over and over until my parents come running out of their room to see who died!
do you like to spend time with people?
mhm! :D
are you hungry?
no =.= just ate dinner!
are you a forgiving person?
most of the time :D
when was the last time you did the dishes?
uhh..i think a few weeks ago.LOL KIM A FEW YEARS AGO.PAMPERED KID xD
are you talking to anyone while doing this?
was talking to kevin a few seconds ago before he decided to abruptly sign out.LOL.
do you want a relationship right now?
what are you about to do?
deciding whether to finish this quiz first or just go to the toilet to pee!
have you ever thought someone died,when they really didnt?
noo laa.but sometimes i get paranoid when people are like super late or sth,then i start imagining bad things that might have happened to them O:
if you could be a superhero what would you want to do?
are you a girly girl,prep,emo,scene,nerd,goth,geek?
HAHA.i emo in the morning,then i go and study like a nerd in the afternoon!after that i pull my pants up reeallyyy high like a geek and walk around the neighbourhood while guffawing like a donkey.finally i go home and change into a sexy short dress and go out for dates all night long! :D
three feelings at the moment?
totally amused,full,anticipative[if thats even a word]
done anything you regret so far in life?
are you listening to anything?
check yes juliet by we the kings!its super addictive x)
where are you right now?
in front of the com
what are you scared of?
losing somebody.
last movie you watched?
omg quantum of solace.i am one deprived kid.
last song you sang out loud?
light on by david cook!
are you thinking of someone right now?
now that you say it,of course laa.
who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
my sister!
last thing you downloaded on your computer?
have you changed much this year?
you have no idea
where was the last place you went besides where you are?
uhh..the library?
has anyone said you looked like a celebrity?
nope!not that i can remember.
do you speak any other language?
chinese lor!and veryvery minimal japanese xD
do you dress for style or comfort?
ever had a drunken night in mexico?
O: no!oh gosh i think i'm never gonna get drunk overseas,otherwise ar...AHEMthingswillhappenCOUGH.
whats the craziest thing you've done?
craziest thing ar?HAHA.wait actually i have no idea O:
favourite colour(s)?
pink,silver,gold,light blue,bronze,some shades of brown and green x)
what is your favourite nickelback song?
aah its either far away or gotta be somebody.cant decide!
last time you smiled?
around 10 minutes ago!
if you could choose any fate what would you choose?
whuttt kind of question is this ._. fate is fate lor.cant choose one larr...
if you could have anything in the world,what would you want?
tons of $$$ maybe! :D
if i looked on the bed next to you,what would i find?
do you go to the bathroom with the door closed or open?
are your underwear and socks folded in your drawer or just thrown in?
omg of course folded!!!i'm not some pig okay! ;D
sleep on your back or stomach?
back la.stomach how to breathe?! O:
are you a cuddler?
am i a what??
what would i find if i looked under your bed?
another bed.LOL.
something that happened today that made you angry?
minor incident in the library la.nothing major (:
what were you doing before this survey?
the previous one! [whats up with the dots man?]
what will you do after this survey?
probably go pee :D
marriage or living together?
what shirt are you wearing now?
some bear shirt.
do you sing?
in my head!or in the toilet :D
do you de-label your beer bottles?
i dont do beer LOL.they taste g-r-o-s-s.
do you talk about your feelings or hide them?
talk about them!but only to close friends la!
is there something you regret and wish you could take back?
first thing you do when you wake up?
try to remember what day and date it is.seriously man,i'm losing track of time nowadays.
ever had surgery?
last argument you got into with?
do you tend to rip the paper off waterbottles?
nope!mafan,must find dustbin to throw it into..
whats one good thing about your best friend?
i have more than one! O: but uh...RETARDED,understanding,always there for me :D
how long does it take for you to fall asleep at night?
sometimes minutes,sometimes hours O:
current song on myspace?
dont have one.
when you shut off your alarm clock,do you tend to fall back asleep?
yup,without fail everyday!my mum has to come to get me up!
if you were given the chance to take care of a monkey for the weekend,would you?
why not? :D
what is the current advertisement on the side of the screen?
uhh..some my news playlist thing.
what are you looking forward to for the next few months?
honestly,if you could have anyone in the world,who would it be?
your christmas list consists of?
gosh i havent even made one yet.but uh,its all in my head anw.SOMETHING :D
you need a new pair of jeans,what store do you go to first?
levi's or esprit.
how do you feel about your hair?
well..its easy to manage :D
what movie is in your dvd player?
if you could move away,no questions asked,where would you move?
uhmm...somewhere in USA probably!
how much do looks matter to you in a guy/girl?
sadly to say,20%.cant help it :x
whats the greatest thing that happened to you today?
WHAT UH....i borrowed books.whoopee -.-
how many true best friends do you have?
woah.hmm,there's always some stuff i cant tell to each of my best friends.i dont know...
what would you change about your life right now?
nothing!everything's perfect the way it is(:
whats the best feeling in the world?
loving someone with all your heart.
oh man i'm still bored!fine.ONE MORE THEN :D
[ ]you drink a lot of tea.
[ ]you know what a brolly is
[ ]deal or no deal has taken over your life
[ ]you wanted alex to win x-factor
[x]you use the word bugger or bloody hell
[x]fish and chips are yummy
[x]you can eat a full english breakfast
[ ]you dislike emo as much as you dislike chavs
[ ]its football...not soccer
[ ]you know what a chav is
[x]you know that there are 4 countries in UK,not just england
[x]you wear flipflops all year
[ ]you call flipflop thongs not flip flops
[ ]you love a backyard barbie
[ ]you know a barbie is not a doll THEY'RE NOT?
[x]you love the beach.
[x]sometimes you swear without realising
[ ]you're a sports fanatic
[x]you are tanned
[ ]you are a bit of a bogan
[x]you have an australian something
[ ]the sopranos is a great show the WHA?
[ ]your last name ends with a vowel
[ ]your grandmother or mother makes her own sauces
[x]you know how a real meatball tastes like
[ ]you know italian songs
[x]you have darkish hair
[ ]you speak some italian
[ ]you are under 5'10" HAHA KIM.
[x]pizza/spaghetti are the best food in the world
[x]you talk with your hands
[ ]you say member instead of remember
[ ]you speak spanish or some
[ ]you like tacos i'm not even sure what they look like
[ ]you know what a puta is
[x]you talk fast
[ ]you have highlights or have dyed your hair
[ ]you know what platanos are
[ ]you have said Te Amo or Te Quiero
[ ]you say villain as:vee-lon
[x]you have more than one vodka bottle in your house my brother's x)
[ ]you know the difference between channel 1 and rtvi
[x]you know somebody called natasha uhh...natasha bedingfield?
[ ]you dont get cold easily
[ ]you get into contests all the time
[x]you can easily make do with the cold weather
[ ]you love listening to trance
[x]your parents let you drink but i always dont anyway xD
[ ]you know what a pizda is
[ ]you have Pierogi at least once a week
[ ]people always ask to see your "kielbasa" to check if you're polish
[ ]people randomly call you their best friend
[ ]you have made/know what pisanki is
[ ]you laughed when poland beat USA in the 2002 world cup
[ ]you think beer is the best i think all of them are gross!
[x]you have a bad temper sometimes :x
[ ]your last name starts with a Mc,Murph,O',Fitz or ends with a y,on,un,an,en,in,ry,ly,y.
[ ]you have blue or green eyes
[x]you like the colour green some shades (:
[ ]you have been to a st pattys day party
[ ]you have a family member from ireland
[ ]you have/had freckles
[x]your family get-togethers always involve drinking
[ ]you have a odd love of leprechauns
[ ]you have four leaf clovers
African American:
[ ]you say nigga/nukka casually
[ ]you have/had nappy hair
[ ]you like rap music i HATE IT.TO BITS.
[x]you like chicken
[x]you like watermelon
[x]you can "sing" gospel
[ ]you smoke[d] newports
[ ]you know what a booty call is
[ ]you're sick at basketball
[ ]you have slanty/small eyes at least i dont think so!
[x]you like rice a lot.
[ ]you're good at maths
[x]you have played the piano
[x]you have family from asia
[x]you laugh somestimes covering your mouth
[x] most people think you're chinese although some think i'm malay.WHATEVER.
[x]you have glasses/contacts
[ ]you call hurricanes typhoons i call them both!
[ ]you go to baulko
[ ]you play handball more than once a week
[ ]you know what DDR is
[x]you like bread
[ ]you think american chocolate is good i think they're all okay!
[ ]you speak some german
[ ]you know what schintizel is
[ ]you hate it when stupid people call you a nazi
[x]you went to pre-school
[x]you're over 5'10"
[x]you know the real meaning of Fag
[ ]you make pretty words sound scary
[ ]you enjoy watching the military
[ ]you know that gummy bears were invented in germany THEY WERE?
[ ]you like to ride four-wheelers
[ ]you love beer
[x]you say eh
[ ]you know what poutine is
[ ]you speak some french
[ ]you love Tim Horton's
[ ]at one point you lived in a farmhouse
[ ]you watch/watched degrassi
[ ]you play/played hockey or watched it
[ ]you have never been ass-whooped by your parents umm...ass-whooped means caned right?
[ ]you know who massari is
[x]you like french toast
]you love wine
[ ]you speak a little or are fluent in french
[ ]you have eaten a snail
[x]you like fashion
[ ]you have been to france
[ ]you're either a catholic,a muslim,a protestant or a jew
[ ]you say "Zut" instead of damn
[x]you own a beret
[x]you actually know what a beret is
[ ]you hate foreigners
[ ]you hate non-christians
[x]you have been to more than 5 states
[x]you're lazy
[ ]you're not cultured
[ ]you hate abortions they're necessary sometimes :x
[x]but love the death penalty get rid of evil!
[ ]you dont read
[ ]you shop at walmart
[ ]you say restroom instead of washroom ...i say toilet
[ ]you're very loud
[ ]your family alone makes a small city
[ ]you blast music Saturday morning to clean the house
[ ]you share a bathroom with 5 people
[ ]you say "open the light" instead of "turn on the light" OMG HAHA.
[ ]your parents came into this country illegally
[ ]your parents still dont have their green card after 15 years in the U.S.
[ ]you go to church every Sunday
[ ]you always have a "to go" plate when leaving a party
[ ]you have a last name thats hard to pronounce
[ ]you eat potatoes with the skin ON IT EWW
Brown (Indian,Guyanese etc):
[ ]you know who Shahrukh Khan and Hrithik Roshan are
[ ]you get crazy over Hollywood actors and actresses
[ ]you know what the movie Dhoom 2 is
[ ]you can eat really good spicy food
[ ]you have lots and lots of spices at home
[ ]you came or live in toronto and have been to gerrard st
[ ]you have any sort of ATN channel
[ ]you know what koothi,kootha,ot banchod is
[ ]you love eating tandoori chicken
[ ]you have relatives you never even heard of
Total: 0
[ ]you're smart in math or science
[x]your mum or dad are either doctors or engineers
[ ]all you eat is kabab and kofta
[ ]your parents have one car that is a toyota
[x]your house actually does not smell like food
[ ]you have like 67890 middle names
[ ]you have been to a pow wow
[ ]you have a native name
[ ]you are more than a quarter native
[ ]you know what tribe you are in
[ ]you have painted your face like a warrior
[ ]you have been to a native exhibit outside of school
[ ]you play lacrosse
[x]you have eaten salmon
Total: 1
[ ]you can tell the difference between a scottish and irish accent
[x]one of your family members has an accent
[x]you actually dont mind bagpipes
[ ]scottish recipes are in your household somewhere
[ ]you've heard the song:"scotland the brave"
[ ]no matter what,there will always be hiskey at family gatherings
[ ]any team playing england is your best friend
[ ]you have tried haggas
[ ]sean connery who the hell is that?
[ ]you drink tap water
[ ]you know edinburgh is pronounced "edin-bura"
Total: 2