so keep breathing,cause i'm not leavin' you anymore

Dec 17, 2008 00:58

yay okay i shall post about my japan trip now! :D okay so i left my house at around 9.20pm for the airport with my parents,brother and uncle!my sister couldnt go cos she had this CFA exam [work stuff] on the 7th of dec -.- LOL its like ONE DAY into our sad!!  D: it was around 10 plus when we reached there,and we waited around for the other people to come.yupyup and i bought some hersheys cookies in the meantime to eat and while away time.turns out we came super early,and we were supposed to assemble at like,10.50 or sth -.- the rest of the tour group came,there are 21 of us in all!and there's this guy,he's kind of weird,because he keeps staring at me O: seriously man,everytime i glimpse him at the corner of my eye he's looking in my direction O.O lol?hmm then we went on the plane,touched down at shanghai airport at around 6am,transitted to osaka airport and reached there at about 11 plus...

then we met our tour guide!she's called yingying [the name's so cute!] and she's super friendly and knowledgeable and talkative also HAHA.she can seriously talk without stopping for like well over an hour x) the bus driver's quite friendly too!he seems like the kind that jokes around and smiles a lot!i havent met a bus driver like that for a long time O: most of the bus drivers i meet are moody and quiet and just concentrate on driving lol!then oh here comes the BIG MISTAKE.cos right,there are actually two tours we can choose from,the universal studios tour,or the kobe city mum initially chose the universal studios tour,but in the end the tour guy put us in the kobe city tour!! we were all damn shocked,and of course my mum was super angry and she was calling the tour guy to complain and give him one hell of a scolding for messing up our plans O: ._. SHEESH like seriously,how can they make such a big mistake?!but anw we took pictures outside universal studios,and we went for the kobe city tour!it was quite nice la,but damn friggin cold.i cant believe all of us still ate ice cream though.but i must say,the ice cream in japan is really,really good O: much,much better than singapore ones!even those ice cream sold on the streets are like 10 times better than singapore ice cream?!LOL!okay then at night we went to stay at the Hyatt Regency Hotel,the rooms were damn big okay O: and the bathroom looks super sophisticated!but actually this was the second biggest room only,the biggest was in shanghai,but i shall talk about that later :D photos!

sorry man,i forgot to take off my specs in some of the photos.DONT.LAUGH.i'm warning you! x) oh the other dude's my brother btw :D

mum dad uncle
me bro

bigg flatscreen tv O:

the sophisticated-looking toilet!

second day of japan!we went to nara deer park,and omgzz the deer there were SOO.CUTE.they seriously bow to you if they see you okay!the tour guide said that they had this intuitive spirit inside them or sth.hahaha everyone in japan is polite,even the deer LOL!i couldnt help but bow to every single deer that i saw,and its deeply satisfying to watch them bow back :P i couldnt resist stroking them either heheh!they are soo cute OMGZZ.then later we went to kyoto and a geisha accompanied us on the bus!apparently there are only 20 geishas in the whole of japan at any one point in time,and geishas dont have to be pretty,but they have to be super smart O: and they speak really softly too,because they cant show their teeth!cause right,their whole face is painted white,so if they show their teeth,it would look very yellow in contrast to their face,and thats not a pretty sight :x geishas also wear ALOT of hair accessory thingys oh gosh.i wonder how they keep their head upright.after that we went to some temple thing which was quite ._. but the view there was beautiful!all the trees there were a really pretty shade of autumn red or yellow O:then after that we went to ride the bullet train!oh my shizz they are LOUD.we were at the bottom level of the station,and whenever a bullet train passed by above us,the whole ceiling will seriously start to shake oh gosh,like they're gonna fall on us any minute!but once you're inside,everything's surprisingly quiet and stable O: cool huh

me patting the super cute deer!

i just cant resist touching them heh.NO SICK MEANINGS INTENDED :D

geisha! O: she's quite short actually x)

all the thingalingalings on her hair O:

family photo with the geisha :D apparently you have to PAY in order to take photos with the geisha :Di think my brother's obsessed with the geisha.he kept asking people to take individual photos of him and the geisha with his handphone camera.HAHAHAHAHA.
this is how loud the bullet train is x)

third day!um we went to hakone national park,its next to some sea/lake/river/idk.but anw we took some photos there,then we went to mt fuji!actually we went to this boiling valley thing on mt fuji that was emitting sulphurous gas.COOL.and people actually boil eggs there and sell them!apparently they are like longetivity eggs so if you eat one of them your life is extended by 7 years or sth.but of course none of us believed that so we didnt waste our money buying those eggs heh.we stayed at a hot springs inn that night!but in the end my brother,my mum and i didnt go for the hot springs cos uhh,we didnt uhh,feel comfortable exposing our bodies to other strangers HAHA.but my dad and uncle went!brave souls LOLOL.and we slept on tatamis!they are like,traditional japanese beds yeah :D you can see in the pictures below!;

family photo :D

pretty flowers![at least my mum thinks so]

it was raining at the boiling valley there O:

this is the amount of sulphurous gas given off O:

heh x)

IGNORE.MY HALF-NAKED.BROTHER.[he likes to do that alot -.-] focus on the BED :D HAHA.

4th day!hmm that day was a very cloudy,foggy morning,great for pictures :D the morning scene at the inn is quite pretty!but of course,super friggin cold also la,but then we went to this place where you could take great photos of mt fuji!its called oshino hakkai :D the photos are all super super pretty :Dhmm nothing much la.we went to the gotenba shopping mall in the afternoon,and apparently the nike stuff there are super cheap,so we bought two pairs or shoes,one for me and one for my sister.then guess what.I MET HUIQING FROM GB!!!omg it was such a coincidence!we were both damn shocked and surprised!!hahahaha so cool!anyway,then at night we went to ginza street [think high-end orchard road ;D yeah.] and we walked around for a bit.i wanted to buy this cool zara jacket but decided against it in the end :D see i so guai right x) no la but i bought alot of stuff from japan in the end anyway heh!haha everyone was joking about burberry cos we went there the second day of our trip,and all the mums bought a burberry bag there O: then all the dads got very bored standing there waiting for their wives to finish buying the burberry bags,so they got a bit whenever we passed by or saw a burberry shop [which was thrice in the trip!] they'll joke,"oh burberry ar D: *gives knowing look to their wives*" haha its quite comical! x)

the mountains really look like those from those ancient chinese paintings right!

cute hoodie huh! :D

mt fuji!

distant view of mt fuji!

tour group photo!

5th day=DISNEYLAND :DDD funnest day for me HEH.but there werent alot of exciting rides! ): the only really exciting ones were like space mountain and big thunder mountain and haunted house [which i didnt go D: cause we either had to book a fastpass,and the time alloted to us was 8 plus pm which was too late,or we had to stand in line for 1.5h,which we werent willing to do either ):] yep thats it ): but the themes there are really really nice :D they must have spent ALOT to do up disneyland nicely gosh.and the castle's really really majestic too! i bought alot of stuff there all the cool free gifts! :D cause its their 25th anniversary!

bigg christmas tree!

NO LAUGHIN.haha everyone around me was wearing hairbands or those mickey mouse ears clip things or hats seemed the most natural thing to do!

25th anniversary!

woahhh right.

6th day!kay boarded the plane to shanghai,but i took some photos of mt fuji from the plane!BREATHTAKING OMG.

omg this is so so breathtaking.

hmm okay so basically for the next two days we went shopping at cheng huang miao and nan jing lu and secret place!oh and our shanghai tour guide's name is jingjing!we started laughing when we heard that cos our japan tour guide's name was yingying! HAHA.but we started laughing even harder when she told us her surname was jin OOO: which means her name is JIN JINGJING.LOLOL OMG.ohoh the rooms!its seriously like a suite,it has two rooms! O: with two tvs woah.with HBO channel.heeheehee.

first room:my brother's room

second room:me and my mum's room.i dont like to sleep alone(:

at the maglev train station!their max speed's like 550km/h O: like aeroplane liddat! O: hehe me and jingjing! x) coughheightdifferencecough HAHA.

this is shanghai's tv tower!the two red thingum's supposed to be like rubies or sth :D

YAWNNN.yepp thats basically my ENTIREE japan trip.i didnt upload all the photos la,there 800+,it'll take ages! O:

hmm i think there were alot of coincidences in this trip!i met huiqing,my brother met TWO of his ns friends,my mum met her ex-student too! O: so cool right.such a small world x) ohoh yeah and dreams!i only remembered two though.

dream #1:
um i dreamt that i was with alot of people on this giant mattress in the sky,and we had to keep on adding weights on the sides of the mattress so that it wouldnt tilt.but someone put too much weight on one side of the mattress so the whole mattress tilted and we started freefalling from the sky!and i was damn scared because all i had was this thin mattress to cushion my fall,and when i looked around everyone had thick mattresses with fluffy i grabbed on to my uncle [the one that went with us on the japan trip!] and in the end i didnt fall to my death O:

dream #2:

WHEW.that was one mean feat omg.i'm so tired.this is the longest post everrr.okay i'm gonna sleep now :D
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