Title: My Accident
baka_tenshiRating: R
Warnings: Alternate universe, unbeta'd, angst, mystery, and sexual innuendos.
Summary: For
kink meme. Shigeaki Kato, a supposed angelic lawyer, witnessed a car accident involving a mysterious man named Yamashita Tomohisa. He doesn't know anything about him but yet he's drawn to him. With his trusted friend, Keiichiro Koyama, he finds out more about this mysterious man's past and learns a bit about himself. What does this Yamashita Tomohisa have anything to do with him? Whose accident was it really?
Author's Notes: Here's the prologue! I've been meaning to post this on here but I got lazy. Fortunately, I got time to post this fanfic from the meme so hopefully it'll inspire me to write more! :D
Words: 553
My Accident
by LilyChan
The Lights
The lights blinded me. I couldn’t take this anymore. This pain in my heart is so heavy; I don’t know what to do. I clutched to the picture in my hand, almost crushing it. I didn’t care anymore if I reeked of alcohol, cheap ramen, and cheap soap. No one cared in this cruel, cold city of lights. Life goes on even if there was a young child murdered. Life goes on even if a lonely, bitter old man dies alone in his apartment, of some curable disease. No one cared about the beautiful, young woman crying on the bench because her scum of a boyfriend just raped her; she asked for it anyway. No one cared if a bright, young man had just joined a gang; there was no escape from his ghetto neighborhood.
I wandered this earth for far too long to not realize that life is cruel and life is unfair. Only the unjust thrive while the just pays for their crimes.
I let out a bitter cry. I tried with all my might to make things better for them, but they wouldn’t listen to me. They told me they had someone, but I didn’t. Not anymore. They’re gone.
It’s so easy to just toss people away, isn’t it? It’s so easy to forget them. It’s so easy to immediately move on. When you’re alone, though, you have all the time in the world to look back on where you messed up on.
It’s easy to regret when you’re alone. Not anymore, though, I’m going to make this easy on the world. I’ve had all the time in the world to make things right and I didn’t. It’s too late to make things better. It’s too late to try to change my views.
I can’t hear any sounds. All I could see were lights. Lights as far as the eye could see. Some were dim and some were bright. Was it day? Was it night? I couldn’t tell anymore. I just remember lights. I remember following lights. I want to find out what makes the lights so bright. I want to find the maker of lights and thank him for making it so bright.
So bright that even a lump like myself could navigate in this cruel, cold city. So bright that maybe things weren’t as horrible as I made it seem. No. Things aren’t as bad as they seem to be sometimes. Maybe it’s good to be completely alone. Maybe I can start all over again and live.
Live for myself and for the just. People are lonely and we do often seek out constant human contact. That’s why love and friendship are dominant aspects in the soap operas we watch - so we can get inspiration from the acted scenes.
I couldn’t see any people in this city anymore. Instead, I saw moving colors that tried to hide from the lights. They didn’t seem to notice me. Was I really this drunk? I laughed like the fool I was as I continued to stumble all over myself.
Oh, I have a bottle. I wonder if it’s filled.
Oh. That light is getting brighter. I reach out to it blindly, hoping maybe whoever’s at the edge, could pull me in. Maybe I can finally reach the end of that light.
Chapter One