[FANFICTION] Sweet Honey (1/1)

Jan 01, 2009 18:17

Title: Sweet Honey
Author: baka_tenshi
Rating: G
Warnings: Unbeta'd and fluff.
Summary: Written for 1234back. He had to be with SHINee’s leader, Onew. The two met some time ago at a concert in Seoul.
Author's Notes: I... really like this couple. I kinda want to continue this but I just might. Maybe. Who knows? :3 Review if you enjoyed it!
Words: 139

Sweet Honey

By LilyChan

Onew and Henry were clearly in a rush. Super Junior-M was to perform next and Henry had to be on stage. He couldn’t care less. He had to be with SHINee’s leader, Onew. The two met some time ago at a concert in Seoul. It was a complete accident but things started quickly and progressed as such. Perhaps it was the fact they were out on the road a lot. Perhaps it was loneliness, but Henry and Onew didn’t care. They wanted to ride it out for as long as the passion held out. As quickly as they appeared before each other’s eyes, they only gave each other a chaste kiss - a promise of things to come.

“My sweet honey,” Onew whispered as he kissed Henry on the lips. Henry could only yearn for Onew’s touch after their separation.

person: super junior, rating: g, person: shinee

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