Title: Pet Owner’s Guide to Raise a Dog
baka_tenshi Fandom: YuuGiOh
Characters: Seto Kaiba and Jounouchi Katsuya
Prompt: #28 - Fly
Word Count: 293
Rating: PG-13
Table prompts. Some tips on how to raise the perfect puppy into a well-behaved adult.
Warnings: Language, sexual innuendo, and possible some OOC.
Disclaimer: I don't own anything sadly. Just borrowing for my amusement.
Author's Notes: Finally, finally number five! I apologize for the lateness! D: I hope you'll read and review this anyway! I'll try to be better! In any case, if you can get the reference in the prompt, I'll hand you many cookies! ♥
Pet Owner’s Guide to Raise a Dog
By LilyChan
Chapter Five
Seto Kaiba had the best jets money could buy. He would also had it customized as his favorite Duel Monster - the Blue-Eyed White Dragon.
He knew what some people say about him.
“Do you think he has some sort of complex?”
”I think he’s compensating for something; if you know what I mean!”
The brunet ignored them. He didn’t care what they thought of his jets. He could go anywhere in the world in it with style.
The only person who constantly made fun him for it was one blond boy whom he despised.
Why do I care about what that mutt thinks? He’s a third-rate duelist. He doesn’t even deserve my brainwaves.
He grunted as he saw some birds and a rainbow. For some reason, he kept his attention focused on them - like the scene was somewhat familiar from a movie.
“That’s impossible,” he said out loud. Gozaburo forbade him from watching any media, save for any video games he forced onto the boy. He had to learn how to the games worked anyway - backwards and forwards.
Then he remembered something.
Yuugi invited him and Mokuba to see a movie. It was about some stupid girl and her dog with some strange characters (literally) going to see a so-called wizard.
Yet when she sang that song…
Seto stopped himself from humming that annoying tune. He growled at himself as he listened for Air Traffic Control.
Lately, the brunet had been taking frequent trips in his jet more often then usual. He forgot the exhilarating feeling of flying that he used to have.
He reached up to bite his nails when he felt something in his heart. He remembered when he first kissed the Jou.
Why, oh, why did he have that feeling?
Chapter Four -
Chapter Six