Title: Just Friends
baka_tenshi Rating: R
Warnings: Sexual innuendo
Summary: For
perv . ♥ Yamashita Tomohisa knew what amigo meant. He knew it was a foreign word for friend, but he wasn’t sure what language it’s in.
Author's Notes: A drabble request. ♥ This was hard without going straight to porn. XD;; But! I controlled myself! I hope you liked it!
Words: 290
Just Friends
By LilyChan
Yamashita Tomohisa knew what amigo meant. He knew it was a foreign word for friend, but he wasn’t sure what language it’s in.
He laid on his bed, thinking. Lately he’s been doing that a lot. He knew he shouldn’t be staying up thinking when he had to promote Kurosagi, his new movie.
The most that came to his mind were memories of when he was Junior. Tackey-sempai would always tease him one form or another. He also remembered two certain Juniors. Kame and Jin. He didn’t think the likes of them would even be his friends! He smiled warmly at that memory.
When they worked on Nobuta wo Produce, he was happy in knowing he got to work with Kame.
He didn’t think he would remember that again. He felt warm on his face and around his lower body. He crossed his legs. He shouldn’t be excited since he had a lot on his plate the next morning.
He could remember Kame’s distorted face as he slowly teased his body. He remembered his face when he gave out a low chuckle. The whimpers the younger man would give just from the sweet touches and words. The air was musky from sex. He couldn’t help it, he remembered, he was at his limit. The younger man looked sexy in the school uniform they gave him.
“Y-yamapi…” he whispered hotly, using his nickname.
He couldn’t control himself any longer as he inserted him inside.
He shook his head.
Ever since the production wrapped, Kame and Yamashita had been busy with their own jobs. He hadn’t got a chance to talk to him, or rather when he did, they would always avoid that subject.
Perhaps it was best they were just friends.