So I just watched the ending of scrubs. The grand finale. And I'm like... totally blown away. That was awesome! Never seen a better series finale than this one.
The bad thing is - all that stuff about leaving, starting a new part of your life, having your own personal future? Fucking hell, that's just like the worst moment I could have watched this.
I mean, that's exactly what I will have to do very soon and there are so terrifying many decisions to be made and I can't believe this is it. Now I'm standing right in front of my very own chance to make everything like I want it to be. Finally, I am where I longed to be all those long years I wanted out...
What's funny is that yes, I am afraid, but I'm not nervous. It's gonna be okay. I'm gonna be okay.
One other thing I'm currently trying to figure out is tha butterfly topic. So, we said we'll try and patch things up after our exams. The problem is that I don't actually know whether or not I still care about that. Maybe it's better to just... say goodbye and let the past go. We always said we'd have each other in our future, only I'm starting to think that perhaps we'd just be taking all that past stuff into another round of present.
I don't think I want that. I think I'm going to go and try it on my own.