Friends Cut.

Nov 30, 2008 11:52

Please take a good look at your profile and check whether you're still listed as my friend. If you're not, you might as well remove me because there's no point of putting me on your list if I don't want to add you and it's also useless because you can't read my entries but I can read your entries without me adding you back. ^^;

→ If you think I took you off by 'accident', comment here and I'll think whether I should add you again or not.
→ If some people on my list wants to remove me, then go ahead and cut me. Comment here before cutting me and please, don't be such a bastard. ^^;
→ Don't worry. I won't bite hard.
→ Please don't be offended if I removed you off my list. It's not my intention to hurt you.
→ I hope that we can still be friendly with each other in other comms that we're both in.
→ Some reasons why I took you off:
► We totally worship different human species.
► We haven't had any conversations and we don't connect at all.
► Your journal is full of words I can't understand/dead/you moved.
TAKE NOTE: I do not take off journals that are on hiatus. I do now, sorry.
► You never comment on my entries/you never cared/I never heard from you.
► And you disappeared and vanished without a trace.

And you know, I'd rather have few real friends than having hundreds of fake friends. =/

This post is going to be public and comments will be screened.
LAST CUT: July 07, 2009.

!public, friends cut

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