Tsk tsk tsk. Shame on you.

Sep 21, 2009 19:59

Original Entry | Maker's Deviantart Link

And the message of the author that is needed to be sent to some UruxAoi writers with over-dramatic emo life:
(You know who you are, kiddos. *winks*)

"Just because your personal life is going down the drain, doesn't mean you have to take your depression and frustration out on Uruha." Or should I say, Aoi (because Aoi's the uke one in your very dark fics.)?

I hope this will hit you like a big yellow bus. Or if it will in case hit you (or not) because you're too numb with the pain from slitting different parts of yer body and too...emo to feel anything. *winks some more*

You know who you are. :D/

Special thanks to slevin-csheyes for putting this up in one of his new fics. Awesome as always, eh? *worships you*

No cut && public entry. Sorry. :(


Click please? ;)


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