Aug 19, 2007 16:43
I'm in a wierd mood, I have been all week. Its probably my health considering that I feel weak and cold and tired all the time. Its going away though. I also looked at myself in the mirror this morning after getting ready for church, thought about how good I looked today (I really did) but noticed how pale I was from being so sick all week. Then I thought immediately about the book I am reading and thought that I sound just like Patrick Bateman who in one line said "I feel like shit, but I look great". Ha, silly man. Later he killed someone. I didnt though. Today singing in church was no joke. I had a constant loogie in the back of my throat just waiting to be coughed up, but had no time AT ALL to do so. Then I commenced to coughing it up when I could not even sing anymore and found a large gross slimy thing in my throat. Since I had no place to dispose of it, I swallowed it. Disgusting. Later on, I sort of threw it up and left it on the street in front of the cathedral.
I then retreived my gifts from Patrice, from Japan, and they are all really nice. I love the hair clip she got me. Apparently they really like noodles over there. They also stared at her and her sister the whole time, and saw a geisha. Very exciting. Wish I could have gone. Oh well. Maybe some other time.