Went to see Star Trek last night. zomgwtfbbq. It was freaking amazing. Granted, there was an awful lot of
Fridge Logic, my favorite being "What the hell is up with that engine room? I half expected to see sky!"
I think the main crew was absolutely awesome, although I was pretty disappointed in Uhura. They did at least try to justify her presence by saying she was awesome with languages, but I still got the feeling that she was just Obligatory Breasts.
The movie was gratifyingly packed with shout-outs to TOS cliches and catchphrases, without feeling forced. A nameless guy in red died. Scotty says "She's givin' it all she's got!" and is generally awesome. Bones says "Dammit, Jim, I'm a doctor, not a physicist!" Actually, Bones said "Dammit, Jim!" about every single scene he was in, and was the most lovable sarcastic bastard since House. And Kirk was rash and impulsive and made really shitty decisions that only worked because he's the hero. And slept with a
Green Skinned Space Babe. The one girl in the whole of Starfleet Academy, and she exists solely to hook up with Kirk. Chekov has trouble with his v's and is generally adorable. Also, Sulu is Harold from Harold & Kumar. Please tell me someone else has noticed this, because all I can find is folks freaking about Sylar!Spock.
So anyway, to stop myself from spewing spoilers (Negative Space Wedgie! no no no), onto the next topic- PREVIEWS. I don't watch much TV, especially not actually-being-broadcast TV, so previews are pretty exciting to me. So long as they're actual movie previews and not ads.
Most of the previews were for awful comedies that should never see the light of day. Land of the Lost would be so much better if folks like Wil Farrell were not allowed to go anywhere near it. The new Terminator movie looks like it'll be pretty sweet, and since I haven't actually seen any of the others, nor the Sarah Connor Chronicles, I won't be devastated by whatever they're doing to established canon. Action is still action.
And then, there was The Voice.
It was only in the first 5 seconds or so of a preview for a movie I'd heard of, but wasn't terribly interested in. I barely saw The Face with The Voice, and even then it seemed unfamiliar, mostly because it had hair.
And The Voice said,
"I want the warheads ready to launch in one hour." And then the voice was silent.
Okay, honestly, I think I heard at some point that Eccleston was going to be in this, and I was kind of nonplussed. GI Joe? Really? I didn't know these guys even had a show. What's next, the Barbie movie? But having seen the trailer and realized that it's more of a nostalgia-laced excuse for action sequences (well, for anyone who watched GI Joe), plus Nine as the villain... well, I think that sounds fantastic.
Lastly, more Transformers. Really, all I can say about this is that I hope it is honestly more about Giant Fighting Robots and less about Shia LeBouf Gets a Hot Girlfriend. As if the "High School Characters Go To College" aspect isn't lame enough already (although I wish my college life could be interrupted by Giant Fighting Robots).