lol state employees \o/

Jun 10, 2009 17:26

It's actually kinda hilarious.

I get here at 9am, and there's no one here. It's 5pm, I'm sitting here finishing up a few articles, and everyone's left. And when I say "everyone", I mean everyone. This isn't to say that I've been working/reading hard the entire day because lolno. However, it's so bizarre to see an office so empty at 5pm, especially after working in molbio/cellbio/bioengineering labs previously, where you simply worked until your current experiment was done, and there was almost always someone in the lab between 7am and 7pm (at the earliest).

Yeah, part of it has to do with the patient-dependent nature of the work, but that can't possibly be all of it.

Actually, given that I'm paid on a set stipend instead of by the hour, why the hell am I even still here? Oh well. The state of Texas is more or less paying me to browse LJ right now, so I can't complain too much.

real life, work, lolwut?

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