May 17, 2005 23:04
1. It's old-fashioned - but holding a door open won't kill you.
2. We enjoy when you move our hair out of the way to kiss us - but that doesn't mean you have to kiss us every time you do it.
3. Like you - we can't read your mind and would appreciate it when you told us what was on it once in awhile.
4. We know you love us - but that doesn't mean you can't tell us.
5. We love spending time with you - but change the plans around once in awhile.
6. We know you like the way we look - but hearing it will always make us smile.
7. We have no problem letting you know we want to hold hands - but you randomly grabbing it would be nice.
8. We know you admire us - but we enjoy catching your stares.
9. When we're with a group of people, it's okay to squeeze my hand in reassurance - and if we aren't close to you, mouth that you love me, adore me or find me beautiful from across the room.
10. We're not sure why but we like body contact, and we don't mean full on - a simple arm around our waist, or your fingers grazing ours will do.
11. Don't be afraid to feel out our details - we like when you notice that we crinkle our noses when you kiss it or the way our eyebrows crinkle when we're agitated.
12. If you notice that we're scared or upset, wrap your arms around us as a sign of comfort - knowing that you're there to support us will make things better.
13. We don't mind hanging out with your friends - but you need to make sure we aren't left out of what's happening. You also can't expect us to just jump into conversation if we are uncomfortable.
14. Renting us a movie or buying us a book/magazine or chocolate bar just because you know we love them and not expecting anything in return, shows us that you really do care about us.
15. When you notice that we are having a rough day, a simple neck rub or back massage without being asked - could make a world of a difference.
Amanda is so awesome...she made this and it is sooo true... Finally someone wrote it all down.... I <3 HER
wow....thats all I can really say