Chicks Before Dicks

Dec 08, 2014 13:32

Title: Chicks Before Dicks
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: established suchen, mentioned xiuhan, implied krislay and kaisoo, maybe taohun
Genre: is sleepover a genre?
Word count: 3,595
Author's Notes: Originally posted here for girlexochange. Kris- Kristen, Joomyeon- Joonyeon, Kyungsoo- Kyungsoon, Lu Han- Lu Hua, Baekhyun- Baekhee, Sehun- Sehee
Summary: Kim Joonyeon throws her annual slumber party.

Kim Joonyeon and her boyfriend Kim Jongdae walked along the street with their hands entwined. They stopped in front of Joonyeon's house and Jongdae leaned down to kiss her forehead. Smiling, Joonyeon kissed her boyfriend's cheek and pulled him in for one last hug.

"Hey," Jongdae spoke up, "Do you wanna come over next Saturday?" Joonyeon leaned into his chest and shook her head 'no'.

"Sorry, I have plans," she told her boyfriend.

"Ah, okay," Jongdae replied with slight disappointment in his voice. Joonyeon pulled out of his embrace and pecked him on the lips before waving goodbye and walking to her door. She felt bad for canceling on Jongdae, but as much as she loved Jongdae, she would not cancel her plans for next weekend.

Because next weekend was her slumber party.


Every year, whenever her parents decided to go on their annual cruise around the Mediterranean, Joonyeon would throw a slumber party. With her and her friends' hectic schedules, they never had much time to spend together, so Joonyeon prioritized her slumber party over everything, even Jongdae. But as they all say, "bros before hoes", or in this case, "chicks before dicks".

It was 4 pm on Saturday. Joonyeon had finally finished her Calculus homework when the doorbell rang. The doorbell rang again only milliseconds after and Joonyeon hurried downstairs.

"Ya! Kim Joonyeon!" the voice from behind the door screamed. Joonyeon knew who it was. "If you don't open this door right now, I'm gonna-" The door opened to reveal a girl about her height with brown hair tied up in a high bun. It was Byun Baekhee, her friend that she had the pleasure of meeting in middle school (also known as the self-entitled "Butt Enthusiast"). She was dressed in a shirt so big Joonyeon couldn't tell if she was wearing pants underneath and knee high socks with funky sneakers. In her hands were a bag with her belongings and a bag of junk food that would ruin the results of Joonyeon's all-organic diet.

"Patience, Baekhee," Joonyeon said as she motioned for her friend to come in and take off her shoes. "I literally just finished my Calculus homework."

"Which one? The only Professor Kim assigned on Friday?" Baekhee asked as she threw her belongings on Joonyeon's fluffy, white couch and her junk food on the coffee table.


"Unnie, that's literally due two weeks from now. Why did you have to do it now? I feel like a bad student," Baekhee pouted and plopped down on the couch with her legs spread out revealing that she was not wearing shorts underneath.

"I just wanted to get ahead," Joonyeon simply replied. The doorbell rang again.

Joonyeon opened the door and saw a girl with long, black hair wearing more public appropriate clothing than what Baekhee wore with her black sweater and black shorts. It was Do Kyungsoon, her fellow friend in the Student Council as well as childhood friend.

"Kyungsoon unnie. How are you and your squishy butt?" Baekhee squealed as she ran toward Kyungsoon. Kyungsoon attempted to dodge her, but failed and ended up getting groped by Baekhee's "butt grabbing" hands. She glared at the girl she was somewhat ashamed to call her friend.

"Let go of me before I burn every stick of eyeliner you own," Kyungsoon threatened. Baekhee jumped off of her immediately and put her hands up in the air defensively.

"What did you do this time?" a voice popped up. The three girls looked in the direction of the voice and faced the unfairly tall Kristen Wu and her friend who was not unfairly tall but unfairly pretty, Lu Hua. Kristen with her model-like figure and unfair height advantage made the ratty college sweater and sweatpants she wore look good as she stylishly slung her black backpack with a broken strap on her shoulder. In her arms she held a white, pirate-themed Alpacasso plushy, toning down her image from intimidating to sexily cute.

Next to her stood Lu Hua, her roommate in university who happened to get along well with Joonyeon and everyone else. She was the definition of pretty (except when she's not) with her prettily dyed honey blonde hair that didn't feel it was destroyed by bleach and her cherubic face. Her fashion sense was also on point with her pink sweater and brown shorts matched with net stockings. Kristen raised a perfectly trimmed eyebrow judgingly and held her stuffed Alpacasso closer to her chest as she observed the situation.

"She's just harassing me," Kyungsoon grumbled, "again."

"Aw, Soo. That's what happens when you have a squishy butt," Lu Hua piped. Kristen literally face-palmed.

"See, Lu Hua gets me," Baekhee exclaimed excitedly. "Now come in and close the door before bugs get in." She pulled the two inside, making Joonyeon close the door. Literally as soon as Joonyeon closed the door, a knock sounded. Sighing, Joonyeon opened the door again.

"Geez, unnie. How could you have not seen me?" a tall, slender girl with light brown hair dressed in a bubblegum pink dress and a ratty pair of knock-off converse. She was the youngest, and brattiest, of the gang, Oh Sehee.

"I'm sorry, Sehee," Joonyeon said as she patted the top of Sehee's head. "Come in." Sehee practically ran inside to avoid the cold and dumped her belongings on Joonyeon's couch.

"So what do you have planned for us, Joonyeon?" Lu Hua asked as she sat next to Sehee.

"I was thinking of watching a movie for now," Joonyeon answered. She bent down and pulled a DVD box from her movie collection. "Does Pitch Perfect sound good to you?"

"Do you know who your friends are, unnie?" Baekhee sassed with her 'really-unnie?' face. Joonyeon rolled her eyes and removed the DVD from the box and stuck the disc in her DVD player.

The next two hours were relatively tame as the movie played. Some of the girls decided to paint their nails with nail polish from Joonyeon's collection along with some that Kyungsoon brought over. (Kyungsoon soon learned to never trust Kristen to use nail polish properly.) Others chose to give each other makeovers. (Lu Hua had way too much fun putting makeup on Kristen.) The only people actually watching the movie were Joonyeon and Baekhee.

Once the movie ended, Joonyeon put the movie away and all the girls migrated to Joonyeon's room for more slumber party activities. They all decided to change into their pajamas, some choosing to stay in Joonyeon's room to change and others going to the bathroom. All were finished dressing (everyone sporting either a giant t-shirt and shorts or a cute patterned pajama set, except Joonyeon who wore an old-fashioned nightgown), with the exception of Sehee and Lu Hua when Baekhee suddenly let out a yell.

"Where the fuck were you hiding that ass?" Baekhee screamed at Sehee who had just walked in wearing a giant shirt and a pair of lace panties. She ran toward Sehee and slapped her butt hard, ogling at how it jiggled. "All this time I thought were you flat like Kristen unnie."

"Hey!" Kristen shot up.

"It's okay. Yixing oppa likes your flat ass," Baekhee casually brought up Kristen's not-so-secret crush on the cute Chinese guy with the dimple.

"For the last time, there is nothing going on between me and Yixing," Kristen corrected her.

"Whatever," Baekhee brushed off as she groped Sehee's butt. "Your butt is my new favorite," Baekhee said, "Sorry, Kyungsoon."

"That is okay with me," Kyungsoon answered.

Sehee had an uncomfortable expression on her face as she mentally debated telling Baekhee to stop. Joonyeon, noticing Sehee's discomfort, decided to jump in. "Stop molesting the poor girl."

Lu Hua screamed from Joonyeon's bathroom. She ran into Joonyeon's room with a dildo and a box of condoms in her hands.

"Lu Hua. I thought we agreed that you were going to do anything sexual before we left," Kristen scolded her.

"Shut up, it's not mine," Lu Hua snapped back at Kristen. She looked to Joonyeon. "Explain now."

For a couple of seconds, Joonyeon made weird faces as she contemplated telling her friends about her and Jongdae's sex life. She eventually sighed and admitted blushingly, "We like to experiment sometimes."

Everyone, minus Joonyeon, in the room squealed, Baekhee and Lu Hua being the loudest.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Baekhee demanded.

"Because her sex life is private," Kyungsoon answered for her.

"Please," Lu Hua shot up, "I make sure you guys know everything Minseok and I do."

"Yeah, because you give us no choice," Kristen added. "I like the guy, but my image of him is forever ruined thanks to you." Lu Hua stuck her tongue out in response.

"Tell us more," Baekhee excitedly said. "Does he play with your ass?"

Sehee rolled her eyes. "Is that all you think about?"

"No," Baekhee drew out. "I was just curious because Joonyeon obviously has the ass in the relationship." She reached out and playfully pinched Joonyeon's butt, making the other girl squeak in surprise. "Thought she doesn't have much," Baekhee added.

"Sometimes," Joonyeon shyly said, "But majority of the time it's vanilla and I like it that way."

"Poor Jongdae," Lu Hua said as she shook her head disapprovingly. "He looks like he could do a lot more. Shame he's smitten with you." Kristen punched Lu Hua's arm to tell her to shut her mouth.

A silence fell over the girls before Sehee said, "I'm starving. Unnie, buy us pizza."

"I'm pretty hungry, too," Kyungsoon added. "Joonyeon, bring your laptop over here so we can look for coupons."

"Okay." Joonyeon walked to her desk to grab her laptop. "Where do you want to order from?"

"L's Pizza!" Sehee demanded. Joonyeon typed in the pizza place on her search bar and clicked on the website. She quickly glanced through the coupons and looked up to ask the others girls a question.

"Do you care about what kind of pizza we get?" she asked. The other shook their head 'no' and Joonyeon decided to order two large veggie pizzas. She typed in her address and credit card information and clicked 'order'. "It should be here in about twenty minutes. Baekhee, mind getting the door when the pizza comes?" Baekhee teasingly saluted her.

"Sooooo," Lu Hua started, "Who wants to play Never Have I Ever?"

"Lu Hua, you know you're going to lose," Kristen pointed out.

"We don't know that for sure," Joonyeon suggested. "But we can play while we wait for pizza. Let's play with ten fingers."

The girls arranged themselves in a circle and held out both of their hands. They all made Kyungsoon start off the game.

"Uh, never have I ever..." she shrugged, "stolen someone's underwear." Everyone laughed at Kyungsoon's sentence, but Lu Hua pulled in her thumb leaving her with nine fingers left in the game.

"Really, Lu Hua?" Kristen exasperated.

"Hey! This was before I started dating Minseok," said girl tried to defend herself. "I was also tipsy."

"Whatever," Kristen rolled her eyes and looked straight at her roommate, "Never have I ever HAD SEX."

Lu Hua grumbled and removed another finger. Joonyeon and Kyungsoon also removed a finger. Kristen looked over to Baekhee and saw that she surprisingly did not remove a finger.

"What?" Baekhee challenged. "I'm a virgin. You can't believe that?"

"Considering how obsessed with butts you are, I can't," Sehee said. She turned over to Kristen and held her hand out for a high-five. "Virgin team, hell yeah!" Kristen slapped her hand back.

"No one's worthy of what I got," Baekhee dramatically said as she motioned to her crotch area. "But enough about me, I want to hear about Kyungsoon." All eyes landed on Kyungsoon picking at her cuticles. She looked up and sighed.

"Fine," she said flatly. The girls scooted closer to her. Kyungsoon sighed again. "I slept with Jongin."

"No way," Sehee interrupted. "Jongin's in my dance class and I swear to god that he's a total virgin."

"Anyway," Kyungsoon continued, "What had happened was that we went over to his place for a project and it kinda just happened."

"How does sex just happen?" Kristen questioned.

"Trust me, it just happens," Lu Hua said. Kristen got the hint.

"Is he big?" Baekhee excitedly prodded.

"Uh.... I don't know?" Kyungsoon hesitated. "What's considered big? I mean, it didn't hurt or anything, but he also prepared me really well. He was very nice."

Baekhee immediately whipped out her phone and pulled up a picture of a penis she had saved to her phone. "How is it compared to this?"

"Why do you have dick pics on your phone?" Sehee inquired as her eyebrows wrinkled and her lips formed into a straight line.

"Thirsty guys just send them to me," Baekhee brushed off. "I save them as blackmail."

"He's bigger than these guys I think," Kyungsoon said. Lu Hua looked over her shoulder at the Baekhee's phone.

"That's pretty big," Lu Hua confirmed. "I'm impressed you could take something bigger than that without it hurting."

"Yeah... I still haven't talked to him since then," she airily remarked.

"Well how long ago was that?" Kristen asked. Kyungsoon furrowed her brows in thought. The other girls stared at her expectantly as she tried to figure out when she last talked to him.

"Probably a month?" Kyungsoon finally said. The girls' faces all dropped when she said that.

"What the fuck Kyungsoon?!" Baekhee exclaimed.

"What?" Kyungsoon looked confused.

"You slept with someone and haven't talked to him since then? Not cool!" Lu Hua explained. "This isn't some sort of one night stand with a stranger, this is someone you know. You need to tie those loose ends."

"Exactly what Lu Hua said," Baekee agreed. "You know how Jongdae is totally smitten with Joonyeon? Yeah, Jongin is probably even more so with you." She held out her hand. "Give me your phone." Kyungsoon hesitantly handed Baekhee her phone. Baekhee unlocked her phone (how she knew Kyungsoon's password, Kyungsoon will never know) and pulled up Jongin's contact information. "Don't leave him hanging," she said as she typed a message to send. She pressed send and handed Kyungsoon's phone back to her. "Especially when he has your virginity." She leaned in and whispered in her ear, "Plus I know you like him." Kyungsoon blushed and pushed Baekhee away from her.

The doorbell rang.

"Baekhee, can you get the pizza? I already paid for it online," Joonyeon said.

"Sure," she said and got up to answer the door.

Behind the door revealed a tall, lanky boy who looked roughly her age with (the cutest) big ears and a wide, awkward smile.

"H-here's your pizza," he stuttered out.

"Thanks," Baekhee said as she looked down at his nametag, "Chanyeol." She slammed the door shut after he handed her the pizzas.


Chanyeol stood at the doorstep and swore he just saw the prettiest girl alive.


Baekhee brought the pizzas to the living room where all the girls seemed to have migrated to and opened one of the pizza boxes.

"That pizza guy looked like he liked you," Joonyeon remarked.

"Eh," Baekhee shrugged. "He was cute, but he had no ass."

The girls all grabbed one slice of pizza, minus Sehee who grabbed three slices of pizza, and started digging in. As the girls all finished their shares of pizza, Kyungsoon put her plate down and turned to Sehee.

"How are you still so skinny after all that pizza?" Sehee finished her fifth slice of pizza and sheepishly looked at Kyungsoon.

"It goes to her butt," Baekhee answered for her, "That's why it's so big compared to the rest of her skinny body." Sehee covered her face with her pizza encrusted hands and groaned.

"Hey, guys. Do you want to play Truth or Dare?" Joonyeon suggested. The girls squealed in excitement. Kristen raised an eyebrow in contemplation and asked

"Are you sure you want to do this?"

"Too late!" Lu Hua shot up. "I wanna go first." She scanned the room carefully. "Sehee, I choose you!" She pointed at the poor girl. "Truth or Dare?"

"Truth," Sehee said skeptically.

"Okay," Lu Hua said as she jokingly stroked her chin in thought. "Do you like Huang Zitao?" Sehee flushed a bright pink before nodding her head yes.

"Oh, the boy with the ass," Baekhee shot up

"Dude, that's my cousin," Kristen scolded her.

"Well Yixing's my cousin, but you don't seem to have a problem with him," Lu Hua argued

"Yixing's different," Kristen started to explain. "He's part of your huge extended family. You didn't even know he was your cousin until two months ago. Zitao's my actual cousin who I grew up with.

"Anyway, Sehee. Why do you like Zitao?" Lu Hua ignored Kristen.

Sehee thought for a moment before revealing her answer

"He may look scary, but he's really warm," Sehee said in a soft voice. "He's also very handsome too."

An awkward silence hung over the girls before Joonyeon said, "Okay, Sehee. It's your turn to ask Truth or Dare." Sehee nodded and pointed to Kristen

"Kristen-unnie, truth or dare?" she asked.

"Truth," Kristen replied.

"Do you have a thing for Yixing-oppa?" Kristen face-palmed as the other girls looked at her expectantly. Kristen sighed and groaned before finally releasing a "yes" and admitting to her feelings for the guy.

"See, that wasn't so hard, Kristen," Lu Hua said, giving her an encouraging pat on the back. "Isn't it amazing to finally admit to your feelings?"

"Well if you are so insistent on me admitting things between me and Yixing," Kristen retorted, "Then I'll have you know that we met up a couple of weeks ago and he went down on me." Lu Hua smacked Kristen on the back hard in shock.

"No fucking way!" Lu Hua shouted.

"I knew there was something between them!" Baekhee screamed. "I can't believe Kristen has gotten more action than me."

"Well believe it," Kristen snarked. "My turn. I'm gonna regret this. Lu, truth or dare?"

"Dare me," Lu Hua challenged. Kristen sighed.

"I dare you to show us your texts with Minseok," Kristen said. Lu Hua immediately whipped out her phone and pulled up her texts with Minseok

"Here," Lu Hua said, "I have no shame." Kristen scrolled through her phone and grimaced at the content of a good majority of the texts.

"Yeah, I can tell," Kristen said. "I expected them to be terrible, but this is just ridiculous." Sehee crawled over and peeked at Lu Hua's phone screen over Kristen's shoulder.

"Wow," Sehee deadpanned. "I kinda feel bad for the guy because most of the bad ones are from you.... Wait!" She grabbed the phone from Kristen. "Is this one during class?! Were you sexting him during class?!"

"Uh, yeah," Lu Hua said as if it were the most obvious thing ever. Kristen rolled her eyes. "Okay, my turn. I choose..... Baekhee! Truth or dare?"

"Dare me," Baekhee said dramatically as she draped herself on Kyungsoon's shoulder. Kyungsoon pushed her onto the floor

"I dare you to kiss Kyungsoon." Kyungsoon's eyes widened and she scooted away from Baekhee as she got up from the floor.

"Oh no," Kyungsoon said.

"C'mon, 'Soo. It's just a kiss," Baekhee teased as she crawled over to the retreating girl. Kyungsoon scooted farther away until her back hit the end of the couch. Realizing she was trapped, she said:

"I hate you so much."

Kyungsoon squeezed her eyes shut as Baekhee inched closer and soon their lips met. Kyungsoon swore she heard a camera shutter in the background.

"My turn!" Baekhee shouted as she nonchalantly scooted back to her spot, leaving Kyungsoon cringing by the sofa. "Joonyeon, the host, truth or dare?

"Dare," Joonyeon said confidently. Kyungsoon looked nervously at Joonyeon.

"Joonyeon, are you sure about that? This is Byun Baekhee we're talking about," Kyungsoon worriedly said."Oh calm down, Kyungsoon," Joonyeon said. "It won't be too bad." Kyungsoon made a face saying 'I'm not so sure of that'

"Yeah, Kyungsoon. It won't be too bad," Baekhee mockingly said. "I dare you to send a panty shot to Jongdae."

"See, that's not too bad," Joonyeon said to Kyungsoon. She lifted up the skirt to her nightgown and opened up snapchat. She took a quick picture and typed in 'for your eyes only' in the snapchat caption before sending it to her boyfriend.


Jongdae looked down at his phone and saw a snapchat notification from Joonyeon. He swiped the notification to view the picture and smiled at what he saw. He took a screenshot for later use.


"Unnie, it's your turn to choose someone," Sehee said. Joonyeon yawned.

"I don't know," she shrugged, "I'm getting kinda tired. I'm ready to go to bed."

Baekhee also yawned. "True."

All but Kristen and Lu Hua headed back to Joonyeon's room. ("We're claiming your couch," Kristen said.) Joonyeon laid in her bed with Baekhee snuggled in her side. Kyungsoon and Sehee settled themselves on top of Joonyeon's pile of stuffed toys.

"So I think I learned more about you guys than I needed to know," Joonyeon offhandedly said as she tried to fall alseep.

"Don't be such a prude, unnie. You're just jealous that we have more exciting sex lives than you do," Baekhee sleepily said.

"Says the virgin," Sehee teased.

"You have no right to say that," Baekhee snapped.

"True," Sehee agreed, "But I know Kristen unnie has gotten more action than you."

"Can you just shut up and go to sleep," Kyungsoon grumbled.

No more words were shared after that.

xiumin/luhan, ot12, exo, pg-13, kai/kyungsoo, oneshot, kris/lay, fanfic, tao/sehun, suho/chen

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