Five reasons they no longer hate each other

Apr 01, 2009 16:27

Five reasons they no longer hate each other

  1. Because Cuddy actually stood up to House.

Cameron had to admit it, no one stood up to House like Cuddy. No one except her appeared to have any actually authority over him at least none that he would actually listen to. She felt like applauding Cuddy sometimes after her confrontations with House although she didn’t think that would go over very well.

Cameron wished she could stand up to House like Cuddy could or at least partially hold her own. She had to have a grudging admiration for the only women who could, even if she didn’t particularly like her.

  1. Because Cameron cared about the patients.

The first time Cuddy had seen her strolling through the ER she had thought the only reason House had hired her was because of her looks; she had even joined in the clinic bet on whether they were sleeping together. Cuddy had expected to have to fire her within the week and had looked forward to it.

But she had been wrong not only was Cameron a good doctor she cared about the patients, unlike certain members of the staff who went out of their way to avoid them.

Even though Cuddy found her annoying, with her constant niceness she couldn’t hate her, it was just to hard to hate someone who was that nice, although she did try.

  1. Because she seemed all alone.

When Cameron first saw Cuddy, she imagined her a woman who could do anything. A hotter female version of House. But she wasn’t like House, House embraced his loneliness and seemed to drive people away, Cuddy didn’t do that. For so long she had thought Cuddy was just like House she was wrong Cuddy was the complete opposite. If anything Cuddy was like her she just wanted someone to love her.

When she had lost the baby Cameron had cried. She knew how much Cuddy wanted to be a mother, and she would have made an excellent one.

After that she went out of her way to talk to Cuddy, she just wanted to let her know that if she wanted to talk to someone she was there. Cameron hoped she was more helpful than House since all her did was try and grope Cuddy. Cameron doubted that was what she needed right now, although she wouldn’t be opposed to trying.

  1. Because Chase was a dick.

Cuddy was one of the first to her the news, although with House announcing it to every person in the building it was not big achievement.

Cuddy had never liked Chase, and she had warned Cameron about dating him but she wouldn’t listen. Although Cuddy had always imagined it would be Cameron breaking his heart not the other way round.

Cameron had never seemed to have the best luck with men, she had heard about her husband, and the on going House saga. Cuddy knew how that felt it wasn’t as if she was above bad relationship judgements herself.

What annoyed her the most was that Cameron seemed to be blaming herself, if anyone should be blamed the clinic nurse that Chase slept with seemed a pretty good target or Chase himself. Since Cameron didn’t seem to want to punish him, she would punish him for her, and House would be pleased that he no longer had any clinic hours to do.

5. Because it’s hard to love someone and hate them at the same time.

She placed soft kisses along Cuddy’s thigh, enjoying her soft intake of breath.

“I love you”

“I love you to Alison”

Cuddy curled her fingers through Cameron’s hair and Cameron looked up at her.

“You know I didn’t like you at first”

Cuddy smirked slightly

“I didn’t like you either, you were too nice”

“You can’t be too nice”

“You can and you are”

Cameron fake pouted biting down on her bottom lip

“Buts I like it, I mean I wouldn’t want to date house”

Cuddy lent forward and kissed her hoping to appease her girlfriend slightly. Cameron pulled away smiling.

“Wait why didn’t you like me?”

“I thought you were to strict”

“Strict, I’m not a teacher”

“I know but you seemed to always follow the rules, not the kind to have fun, not the kind to like me”

“Well for one everyone likes you”

“You didn’t”

“That was only for about a week”

“A week?”

Cameron said in disbelief

“Alright maybe two, but anyway I can’t believe you didn’t think I was fun”

“Well I didn’t know you”

Cameron said leaning in and kissing her.

“You can’t just kiss me and all will be forgiven”

“You can’t hold it against me you didn’t like me either”

“Because you were to nice not because you didn’t have any fun”

“Look I’m sorry”

“Oh you will be”

Cuddy said smiling

“What are you going to do?”

Cuddy straddled Cameron pinning her hands above her

“I’m going to show you just how much fun I can be”

cameron/cuddy fanfiction femslash pg-13

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