Rule one never untie the hostage

Mar 18, 2009 18:25

Written for the Heroes Kink meme prompt Lyle and Elle.

So maybe breaking in to the cheerleader’s house hadn’t been her best idea. But how was she meant to know that Claire couldn’t feel pain anymore being fired from the company really kept her out of the loop, and besides three against one really wasn’t fair.

So she had ended up tied to the kitchen chair with Claire’s younger brother guarding her, while super girl and her mom had gone of to find HRG. Elle really did not want to sick around and wait for him to come back, and since she was still wet from having a bucket of water thrown over her electrifying her way out of there was out of the question. Still she had one trick up her sleeve her feminine charms not that she would need much charm to get the horny kid to untie her, and he definitely was horny she could tell by the sideways looks he kept shooting her.

“Hey kid”

Lyle turned round to look at her. How hard could it be just keep eyes on the prisoner and make sure she doesn’t escape, well it was plenty hard when the prisoner was a sexy blonde who kept shooting him flirty glances.


“I’m Elle”


“So Lyle you’re the younger brother then, haven’t heard anything about you, lots about Claire nothing about you”

Lyle gritted his teeth, lots about Claire nothing about him story of his fricken life, not that his was going to let this girl know that.

“Well she is cuter”

Elle said with a wink

“So kid you got a girlfriend then?”


“Oh I see boyfriend”

That was just great no only did he have a superhot girl thinking his sister was cuter than he was, she also thought he was gay.

“I’m not gay”

“It all right no judging, you should ask Claire to set you up with Peter”

Elle smirked this kid was easier to wind up than she’d thought he’d be pretty soon he’d be eating out of the palm of her hand.

“I’m not gay”

“Prove it then”

Lyle started kissing her gently slipping his tongue into her mouth.

Elle kissed him back trying to moan in pleasure at the appropriate places this kid really was a poor kisser though she hadn’t exactly been brilliant at it herself at his age.

“I think we’ve found something your better at than you sister”

Elle said smiling and pulled away slightly

“Now I need you to untie my hands”

Elle put on her best innocent face when she said that, all wide eyed and pouty.

“And why would I do that?”

“Because I can’t give you a hand job if I can’t move my hands now can I?”

Lyle couldn’t believe this he had a hot girl in his kitchen willing to give him a hand job. But he was meant to keep her tied up and as Claire said not let her escape under any circumstances. Was a hand job from this girl really worth his families’ disappointment, of course it was. Lyle bent down fumbling with the knots as he untied her.

Elle grinned it was like taking candy from a baby, with her one free hand she ruffled his hair.

Lyle was halfway through untying her second hand when it came to him she was almost dry if she got her powers back she might just shock him and take off. He ran to the kitchen and filled a bucket with water.  Running back to her, he held it just above her head

“Close your eyes”

“Well kid aren’t you kinky”

“It’s this or I turn the sprinklers on”

Elle had to give the kid credit that he remembered the water thing; it didn’t matter though she didn’t exactly need her powers to escape him. She shut her eyes as the water hit her causing sparks to run along her arms.

Lyle frantically undid her other hand, and then froze unsure of what to do next, was he meant to get it out or was she. Luckily Elle made up her mind for him and starting undoing his trouser, and reaching for his cock.

He was big Elle thought wondering if he took after his daddy in that respect. She ran her hand along it gently.

“I need my legs untied?”


“Don’t you want me on my knees Lyle?”

He could have sworn she almost purred his name as he hurried to free her legs.

Elle pulled his pants down and slid on to her knees taking his cock into her mouth.

Lyle  groaned in pleasure, this was a thousand times better than when he touched himself, Elle was doing things he had never though possible.

Elle pulled him out of her mouth before he had a chance to come, this was fun but she needed to get away before HRG arrived.

“Get on the chair Lyle”


“I want to ride you”

This really was his dream girl Lyle decided as he climbed onto the chair. Elle slipped her legs around his waist and kissed him.

Hopefully the kid would be to distract to notice she was only jerking him off with one hand, while the other was tying the ropes around him.

Lyle moaned her name as he came, he wondered if he could leave her alone for a minute and run upstairs to get the condoms hidden if his bedroom.

Elle wiped her hand on the kids’ leg and climbed on him.

“Well kid it’s been fun, see you round”


Lyle tried to stand up and couldn’t, she had tied him to the chair, he couldn’t believe this.

“Rule number one Lyle never untie the hostage”

Elle lent in a kissed him on the cheek

“Better luck next time”

Elle turned round and prepared to leave.

“Hey Elle”


“Can you at least pull my pants back up?”


Lyle groaned his parents were going to kill him.

lyle/elle nc-17 fanfiction heroes

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