Dec 01, 2004 13:54
Tonight Jason and I are going to my nana's boyfriend Ken's birthday party. Right now I'm washing his clothes so that he has something nice to wear while he's at his doctor's appointment. I bought Ken this little wall plaque that says, "Some pursue Happiness - Other's Create It". I thought it was perfect because Ken's so active in the community and volunteering with disabled kids and stuff like that. I also got a chunk of Amethyst for him, which is a healing stone, relieves stress and transfers negative energy into positive energy. Ahh I'm nervous. I know everyone will like Jason it's just the first time I've every brought a guy to a family dinner and said he was mine or whatever, like you know? I dunno, I expect it to be fun but weird lol. Anyways, gonna go simmin while I wait for Jas. Adios (Oh and my hair looks AMAZING)