Last night was TV and sewing. I also did an illustration for the AnthroCon con book. PHTHBPT! :P Thrillsville.
Dad is up and it's not even noon! Still queasy but better. I can tell the chemo is stronger. The first time he had to do this, he was able to go to work after the chemo. This time, he comes home, sits in the recliner and zonks out.
I made a pin yesterday. It's a flying pig, a pigasus. Yeah, I know, I'm not right. Anyway, it's cute. :) I named it Miracle. :) Day before that, I made a different one, a blood drop promoting donation. He's my Bluddy Buddy. Here he is: OK. Serious question, though. Should I try to sell these? I did have the one person want an octopus (waiting for colors). What do you think?