(no subject)

Apr 01, 2011 08:40

From Thursday....

Here. Have a thing.

This is a White-Breasted Green Pantalones. I don't know what it is either. It has a prehensile nose, though. I guess that is how it buttons itself.

Let it be known that I am *NOT* a teacher. I do not want to be a teacher. I am also not a people person. That's why I'm on third shift. Tonight was my last night with the trainee. I will never again let a person tell me that they are ready to do something. Totally against my better judgment, I let her take over. She is so not ready. I don't care if she thinks she is, she is not. I spent the whole night cleaning up after her. I am very stressed out. I also had to fix an analyzer that was screwy. I don't know if trainee screwed it up or if it had worked itself loose. Thankfully, tonight will just be me and Phleb. Now, don't get me wrong. Trainee is very smart and picks things up quickly... but she is not ready for third shift. Not only did she fall asleep twice this evening but she took a break. You can only "take a break" when there are more than two people on the shift. We do not get breaks. I did all the patient testing and half of the maintenance... and she still could not keep up. The whole sleeping part disturbs me. You simply cannot do that. I get tired, too, but I don't sleep on the job. EVER. Period. T

I had a professor in college named Amy. I sat right up front. The class dipshit sat right behind me. There were times that I felt as if I needed to crawl under the desk to get away from the prof. because she was this close to going over me to get the idiot. I felt like I was that professor today. When I do not feel well, am tired and just want to go home, I am NOT able to tolerate stupidity. I suppose, again, that this is why I am on third shift. Less morons.

I placed an order with Overstock.com. They had two DVD sets I wanted and a purse I liked. The ordering process was easy. Let us see how the shipping and handling will be.

work, training, artsy fartsy

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