a very boring & serious blog entry

Jun 13, 2008 06:24

readers are strongly advised to just skip through this entry on your "friends" list.

The sole purpose this meaningless entry is for me to rant about the atrocity of the asian mentality. How they like to twist reality to fit their own way of thinking.

i finally found out what they thought of me. by  "they" i mean my asian peers, some who've taken care of me over the years, and some who i've just recently met.   A more considerate person who did not like the things that were said behind my back told me what was going on. Now, i have to make it clear that i usually dont give a daym about what those old hags think of me, nor would i change myself just to please them. I will not change myself in order to meet their expectations of  how a girl should be.  "Obedient, don't talk back, don't raise your voice in front of an adult, never disagree with whatever crap opinion they might have" ,etc.

I'm sorry but i old enough to know what sort of person i can be, and what sort of person i will be. I am not willing to be oppressed into being the sort of person they want me to be. (redundant much?)

And so because of that, it seems like they've all unanimously agreed on what sort of person  i am. The way i dress offends them excessively, the way i walk is not "right", the way i talk is "vulgar", and the way i socialize is "promiscuous".

For example:

If I wore one of those top where my shoulders were exposed, their reaction would be "omg shes a whore". If i like to prance about because i'm happy, they would say it was barbaric. If i were to contradict or point out someone's mistake, they would say I have no respect for elders. oh i could go on and on. But the list never ends. I can never seem to be "good" enough to make them shut their pie holes!

How i miss being in a place where people have other things to do criticize and pick on the younger generation. I miss being in a place where people were straight forward to each other. If you've got a bone to pick with someone, just do it! Don't lurk around in the back saying this and that. I have absolutely no objections whatsoever to a nice, civil confrontation.

I wish i could just do things without people misinterpreting it into something disgusting and peverse. Its funny how nobody else have problems with the way i am. The "people" in this blog entry is exclusively for the group of closed minded old asians who make it their business to know evrerything i do, everyone i talk to so that they may dissect the information piece by piece. All that so they'd have something to talk about during tea time.

My opinion of them might be a bit harsh and definitely not objective. But well, this is a rant, so it won't be without exaggeration.

Its just that, i find it ridiculous how anyone should have to confine themselves to such stupid rules and "moral codes". Why should life be so rigid and so.... suffocating. I know there are some unspoken rules about how to  respect your elders, how you should treat your fellow human beings. I completely agree and abide by that. I can say i have morals, i know when to be courteous. I've been taught proper etiquettes, and how to be polite when needed.

But there's just too problems in this world to go around condemning others for not having manners. I'm so sick and tired of people preaching their self-righteous piss without realizing what they're doing is just wasting precious oxygen on this planet.  If we were to plant a tree for everytime they open their mouths to preach , the world would've been rid of global warming. Srsly. >_>

woes of a teenage girl living with asian

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