It's confession time.
I've been meaning to confess for a few weeks now. On my trip to North Carolina this spring, I became mildly obsessed with
weigela. Pretty flowers, delicious fragrance, attracts hummingbirds, happy in our climate, perfect! So as I went to my various spring plant sales, visited the local nurseries, and perused the temporary roadside stands, I kept a sharp eye. And very occasionally I would see one ... for about $30. Since weigela are apparently a traditional shrub that is easy to propagate, these prices seemed exorbitant. I don't really get into that whole newest-and-best-cultivar thing; I prefer something tried and true that probably won't die.
Eventually it occurred to me that this might be exactly the problem. Given that I don't need the fanciest varieties, perhaps fancy nurseries and sales catering to choosy gardeners might not be the likeliest venues.
Which is how I ended up at Wal-Mart.
I know! Evil Wal-Mart, responsible for crushing not only its own workers but also the rest of our society and probably the entire spiral arm of the galaxy through its despicable practises. But they offered three charming varieties of weigela for $6 per one-foot-cubed shrub. I bought one of each, I went back for four more of the one I decided was
my favorite and then I picked up some
blue mouse ears hosta.
I'm going straight to hell. No wonder those mosquitoes bit me in the face.