A minute or two isn't enouh...

Aug 13, 2007 08:27

I got into work about fifteen minutes early and instead of doing my usual, jump straight into my workload, I decided to take a leisure moment.

I caught up on my online interest, its going really slow in the computer/gaming world lately.

So here I am.

Anyways, the copy of Guitar Hero I got for my birthday is starting to ruin my life! It is taking time away from my other vicious habit - World of Warcraft.

On a side note I got my solo Hunter to level 61 last night. I have a good pace with her, I can level her at least one level, or 3/4, a session. Well technically yesterday was a hardcore session since:
From level 59 to 60: 209,000 EXP
From level 60 to 61: 410,000 EXP

So if the game went by standard increments per level last night I could have gained almost two if it where 215,000 and 240,000 as examples.

As for Guitar Hero, Laura bought herself an "axe" last night. It sucks the Playstation3 doesn't have slots for the old controllers so we can't use our "axes" on it. But I will be digging out the wires for the old Playstation2 and setting that bad boy up for some crazy riffs!

Last night we also bought a copy of the 80's version. It cost $50 dollars but the work put into doesn't merit the price tag. It's just a rehashed Guitar Hero II with different color schemes and the song list is a bit lacking (you can't buy songs). Oh well. It was awesome getting a few songs like: "Turning Japanese," "And I Ran," and "We got the Beat." I was really hoping for a few of The Cure songs or New Order...hell even some Culture Club at that point.

We turn the game on and lose about two to three hours on average just playing. I sort of want to set up the camera so we record ourselves and then crack jokes at how awesome we are. But I know once we hook up the guitars we're going to have to practice a lot more.

Oh well, time to work.

Everyone have a nice and productive day,

I bought some new headphones while at the Buy of Bests yesterday and I was really excited about trying them out but for fucks sake I don't know where I left them. I had them this morning but ... blank. I think I left them on the counter when I was brushing my teeth. So now I got no headphones and this feeling of laziness. I don't want to work today for some odd reason.

I just want to crawl back into bed and then wake up say 10-ish and play either WoW or GH.

Oh well, time to work...seriously.
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