Put to Good Use

Jun 09, 2013 18:31

Original Post
Rating: PG-13
Pairing/s: Arthur/Gwen
Character/s: Leon, Lancelot, Gwaine, Percival, Elyan, Merlin
Summary: The knights have accidentally been drugged, but Gwen has an idea how to use it to their advantage.
Warnings: unintentional drug use
Word Count: 509
Prompt: "magic mushrooms and a maypole"
A/N: For ag_fics Team Fic Battle.

"Our trumpet fanfares, Sire. They're just so... yellow." Leon smiled approvingly.

"A nice, smooth yellow," Lancelot agreed. "Like polished glass."

"Like the trees," Gwaine put in. "Though, those are green."

"A velvet green," said Leon.

"Quite." Gwaine nodded. "And bluer where the sky melts with them."

"As you would expect," Elyan said. They all murmured agreement.

Arthur's face was the definition of puzzlement. "What on earth are you going on about?"

"Camelot," Lancelot told him. "It's so beautiful. Everything about it is just... glorious."

"Riiight," Arthur drawled, clearly still having no clue what they were going on about. Then, he glanced around. "Where's Percival?"

"In his chambers, Sire," Leon replied. "He said Morgana has sent spies after him, and that's the only place he cannot be found."

Arthur blinked. "Why would Morgana send spies after Percival? I'm not even sure she knows who he is."

"She is all-knowing, Sire."

"No, she's not. Though, if she is, perhaps she knows what the hell has happened to the lot of you," he added under his breath.

Merlin jogged into the room then. "Arthur, can I have a word?"

"As long as it's not about colors," Arthur replied, his tone annoyed.

Stepping aside, Merlin said, "I've just come from Percival's chambers. For some reason--"

"I've heard: Morgana's spies," Arthur interrupted.

Merlin nodded. "I think he's either enchanted, or drugged."

Arthur glanced over Merlin's shoulder at the rest of his knights. Lancelot had laid down on the floor, a blissful smile on his face. Leon was rubbing his cheek against one of the council chamber's support posts. Elyan was tapping his sword blade with his dagger, closing his eyes and seeming to be focusing on the dinging sound that resulted. Gwaine was waving his hand through the air and grinning as he watched.

"You don't say."

At Arthur's dry reply, Merlin turned and actually noticed the others. "Oh."

Gwen came into the room then, keeping a wary distance from the knights as she moved over to join Arthur and Merlin. "What's happened to them?" she asked.

"As far as I can tell, they've been drugged," Arthur told her.

"These windows... they're prettier than the sun," Lancelot remarked.

"Not prettier than our cloaks, though," Leon said. "We should paint the world Pendragon red as we ride on our horses."

"I like it." Elyan gave Leon a thumbs up... and then left it in the air.

"Merlin, go see if Gaius has any ideas as to how we should handle this," Arthur instructed, but Gwen snagged Merlin's arm as he went to leave.

"Wait... I have an idea."

Never in the history of the Five Kingdoms Maypole Competition had anyone beaten the other teams so thoroughly than Camelot did that year. Even King Derwin's daughters, two sets of triplets whose primary interests were music and decorating, came in a distant second.

As Merlin, Gwen, and Arthur applauded the knights-- who were watching one another take bow after bow and laughing-- Arthur muttered under his breath, "I can never tell Father what this trophy was for."


char: percival, char: arthur, length: ficlet, char: lancelot, fandom: merlin, char: leon, char: elyan, char: gaius, char: guinevere, char: gwaine, char: merlin, rating: pg-13, genre: humor, comm: ag_fics

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