
Jun 08, 2013 19:49

Original Post
Rating: PG-13
Pairing/s: Arthur/Gwen
Character/s: Merlin, Leon, Gwaine
Summary: Life goes on for Camelot and her one-armed king. AU, set after 5x09.
Word Count: 268
Prompt: "Arthur did have to cut his arm off."
Warning: Potential trigger for amputation, and/or for approaching amputation in a humorous way.
A/N: For ag_fics Team Fic Battle.

"MERLIN! Get in here! I needed to be dressed and on the training field ten minutes ago!"

At the bellow, Merlin came running into the room, already retorting, "You would think the king would be able to dress himself-- ohhh, right."

Arthur glared at him, his remaining fingers drumming impatiently on his hip. "Just help me change my clothes."

Later that afternoon, Leon helped Gwaine untie his arm from his belt. "I don't see the point of us all adjusting our fighting style to one-handed technique," Gwaine grumbled. "Seems to me that hindering the entire army is an overreaction."

"Look at it as a challenge?" Leon suggested, even as he silently agreed.

They both bit their tongues when Arthur approached. "Where's Percival?"

Leon gestured past them. "I think he's headed for the armory, Sire."

"Excellent." Arthur headed in the same direction, hoping that it would not prove to be too complicated to remove sleeves from chainmail. The way his was empty sleeve flopped around was becoming incredibly annoying.

Gwen did not mind cutting up Arthur's meat at dinner, often turning it into foreplay when they were dining alone-- as they were that evening.

Arthur was even becoming quite fond of having Guinevere on top in bed rather often, something that he had previously been reluctant to try. There were perks to having had to lose an arm, apparently.

Not many, however. The next morning, he was still in his night clothes, his bath water was getting cold as it sat unoccupied in the other room, and neither his servant nor his wife were anywhere to be found.



char: arthur, fandom: merlin, char: leon, char: guinevere, char: gwaine, pair: arthur/gwen, char: merlin, rating: pg-13, genre: humor, length: flash fic, comm: ag_fics

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