Sherlockian goodness

Sep 04, 2010 16:05

 Things I noticed re-watching the Great Game today

(didn't want to sleep after my shift - too much daylight missed in those hours, even if its daylight seen from my 5th floor apartment)

1. Sherlock speaks slower than I had built up in my mind - with more eerie force behind his words

2. Sherlock actually tries to be nice for a second to Molly, attempting to go with 'hey' then giving up the goose when pressed.  He seems supremely irritated for the whole beginning of the episode and takes it out on everyone around him, but does try to be nice to her for a second.  A second only though, whereas he's nice and moping after John practically the entire episode

3. Getting John to go fussing in his jacket for his phone is utterly awesome, but doesn't really make any sense.  He's irritated when John is too rough and bruises the line of his jacket.  He really does just seem to like his hands on him ;)

4. After Jim-from-IT leaves Sherlock turns immediately to John for attention and to show off his brilliance - and the expression on his face seems to completely say that this random guy gave Sherlock his number and Sherlock doesn't care one whit but he really does care that John is thinking of and noticing him

5.  Sherlock says outright that he doesn't care about the hostages, but that he does want to save them.  He's quite forceful on the phone when asking the first woman where she is so that they can come and get her.  He tries to stop the old lady as well and sounds worried for a second.  Then he's definitely angry when he 'lost that one'.  He brushes off the human concern quickly enough, but he does actually want to save these people.  I hadn't really realized the distinction before.

6.  I hadn't caught the line before - but at the diner when John is standing up to turn on the telly, he says that Sherlock is lucky that he is unemployed and that he and Mrs. Hudson watch too much tv together.  So it isn't just in fanfic that the two of them hang out and watch TLC or W network or whatever the comparison is over the UK.  Also: does that mean John is fired from the clinic then, or is this a hold over from the days when he really was unemployed?

7. And why IS Sarah still dating him anyway?  He did almost nearly get her killed, and if they were sleeping together I could at least understand it because - hello: John is delicious.

8. And come on Sherlock - you might not be a hero but John is.  So we need more fic about this please.  I'm currently getting my 'John is dealing with big psychological stuff and Sherlock helps him kind of' high from Katie over at The Seventeenth Step but I really want this in BBC form too :)

9. The pool scene is still the best thing ever.

Though we only have three episodes to go on, I'm reminded in fic of the transformative styles we've seen in SGA.  At first it seemed to be written a lot that Rodney was the clearly gay and the initiator of awesome sexing, but then it switched sometime around season three to John being the one with a history of boy kissing.  And I think it was because in season one we mostly saw John being military and awesome and Rodney babbling and trailing after him.  But then in season two we saw more of Rodney dating women and John being mopey and that trend kind of continued.  Of course my favourite fics will still always be when they are both boys and idiots and need to be bashed about the head about things - astolat's a Beautiful Lifetime Event is still nearly the best thing in this fandom in the history of forever - (and yes - someone needs to write me John/Sherlock pre-slash working to slash kidfic that is well written and awesome).  But while fandom seems like a lot of Sherlock being clearly tending towards either men or being asexual with strong John friendship/sometimes sexual leanings, John is definitely the more difficult one to write with.  He's either always had leanings towards the same sex, or just finds Sherlock awesome and kind of sexy.

And after re-watching the Great Game I think that John having a history of clear heterosexual encounters makes the most sense for me.  He is definitely being written and played as Interested in Women, Thank You.  While Sherlock is certainly given a lot more leeway.  But at the same time I can imagine some delicious military-style encounters with 'there was a girl present so it didn't count' kind of scenario's, or 'we didn't die jerk-off sessions' or 'Harry is being a bitch and she's wrong and so there' moments.  And then burying all those quite down because he's been shot and is back to living in London as a civ-y and at first its not that he doesn't have those excuses but that he honestly isn't considering men in a sexual manner.  But the site of Sherlock in that delicious purple shirt might have done something to his pulse-rate, and the prospect of Sherlock being in danger (even though he's a narcissistic sociopath who probably wouldn't care if John lived or died anyway) makes he want to reach for his missing side-arm.  And after the pool scene and they both aren't dead maybe such thoughts won't be so easy to keep control of.  And of course Sherlock notices, because he notices everything.

Overall: still loving this fandom.  Need some big long big bang-style fics soon.  Then going to see a season two with more than three episodes in it, if the PTB will allow it.

sherlockian goodness, mad ramblings, feeding my tv addiction

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