
Jun 13, 2010 18:57

Been INACTIVE for a while as I've had exams for the past month or so but they're all done now. In short, most of the exams were okay except for the first two maths modules I did, they were HORRIBLE  :| but the sciences/econ went well, I hope so atleast. I still have 4 weeks of school left but I doubt we'll do much, it's mostly little school trips here and there. Going for an Economics trip around London, in this heat, to the Stock Exchange and some banks in London. Sounds like great fun..not. Also a University Application workshop + then a  week later a  'FAKE' interview with the company BP pretending we're applying for a job there. This LJ has been pretty much dead for a while, sorry about that. I'm a pretty boring LJ-er atm but  i'll be posting some old icons from Dec'09-Present tommorow.  Then a few PSDs and if stocks you've found on other sites counts as textures, well then those too :P


+ I'm going to India first in the Summer with my family and then I'm going to America with my grandparents, once there

I'm going to stay with my cousins, its going to be so great. :D I've only been to Disneyworld once, when I was 3/4 because we used to live in San Jose before we decided to move to England  & I don't even remember just pictures, so this will actually be  like my first trip, I can't wait. Yup, I'm just like a little kid when it comes to theme parks and harry potter. =)

all about: post-exams, type: general

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