Happy 16th Birthday Sabrina ♥

May 05, 2010 00:56

It's quite late here now in England, but
it's still the 4th of May over in the States, so all's good (;



to the absolutly unique, amazing, crazy,
awesome, totally 'uff' in every way girl. tikk_tock

Known each other for less than a year
and all I can say about Sabrina that's she's simply
awesome. No seriously she is; the girl's got attitude and
 literally what you see is what you get with her.
She's fun and not a bore and funny with a great taste
in music.   (My taste in music..the less said the better!) 
As you can see, I'm not so great at birthday messages, it takes me
a while to try and get the right words outand even then I come
off sounding pretty crazy :P but in all reality, I'm so glad me
and Sabrina got talking  and became friends.  She's like this
crazy volcano with so much in her, loads of personalitly.
She's the best person to talk to when you think you're having
THE most crappiest day of your life, she'll change your
mood in literally a second. Though, she's just as great to talk to
on normal days too, ahaa (: Sabrina's fun to talk to and her blunt,
straight to the point attitude is the best thing about her.

If you know Sabrina,  you'll pretty much understand what I mean ;P

In short, without the ramble.

Happy Birthday (:

Hope your day is amazing!  ♥  
And that you get cake and presents and a polaroid camera. =)



type: birthday post, !signatures, !gifs, about: sabrina, actress: sonam kapoor

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