Wine Review

Dec 18, 2008 22:15

Tonight I must simply rave about this nice wine.

Bodega Tamari - Argentina - 2002 - Malbec - Reserva - $?? - This was a fabulous malbec that we enjoyed with a baked chicken dinner, asaparugus, and salad. Nice level of tannin's, a bit of spice, luscious body, and I must say a nice kick. :) 14% I guess. Really smooth is it's main advantage. This was a wonderful gift from some friends who visited for a party I think over the fall. Would have gone pretty well with a mild red-pasta or maybe even some lasagna. Also could go well with grilled food as I now notice a hint of smokiness to it.

Alas otherwise these days I've mainly fallen to drinking micro-brewed beer. Recent things I've tried and liked are Fordham Doublebock, Blue Moon's Full moon, Victory Harvent, Sierra Nevada Celebration, Old Dominion's Baltic Porter is AWESOME, and a few others I'm sure I could dredge up.

Also finally tried my first bottle of Chimay I bottled in early november and it was pretty good and strong as hell. Nice nose and decent carbonation. Can't wait to let it age a bit more and try again. And really can't wait for it to have a year of more and see if it mellows out as it really should. My wife though it was at least as good as the regular blue label chimay's we get at the liquor store.

beer, wine

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