Now I remember

Nov 02, 2008 01:36

Why Night Shift BLOWS.

I'm working overnight so that I could have today off for a big mountain biking/homebrew event today in MD.

It was awesome, about 35 people, probably 20-25 beer types, tons of food and a 10 mile bike ride with 35 people always makes for some fun logistics.

Poor J took a REAL beating out on the trail falling in 2 stream crossings, and falling on 3 log overs I think. She trooped super hard for how tired/warn out she was from having some sort of mono type virus for the last 2+ weeks. Add in that she's still really a newbie to clipless pedals and it's even more impressive. Honestly my opinion of shimano's being a headache is only being more reinforced.

The beer was crazy, the food was epic (Carpachio, fresh hot wings/fries, bbq, ribs, chicken pulled pork, tons of stuff).

Night shift blows as we only get cable news channels and broadcast TV at night goes all crappy adds at 1 am, and being the time shift, I get to sit thru an extra hour of 1aM!!!
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